external image WereGarurumon.gif

Name: WereGarurumon
Origin: Digimon Adventure
Gender: Male
Classification: Were-Wolf Digimon
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, can get stronger from absorbing data, can fire energy blasts
Weaknesses: If he is too heavily damaged, he reverts to Gabumon
Destructive Capacity: Around Country level+ (Should be comparable to MetalGreymon and MegaKabutarimon. Just the energy from evolving to this form blasted huge chunks out of a mountain and his Kaiser Nail attack cleaved through the remnants of it . Said mountain is large enough to have a castle on top of it and one of the castle's arches is larger than a Mammothmon. It also housed MegaSeadramon, who is huge enough to do this to Rainbow Bridge.)
Range: Several hundred meters, possibly over a kilometer (his Kaiser Nail attack extended beyond the castle he was in)
Speed: Hypersonic+ attack speed, massively hypersonic reaction+ (Can keep up with other speedy Ultimate level digimon)
Durability: Likely around Country level (can tank the impact of his own attacks, survived attacks from the likes of Myotismon and Machinedramon)
Striking Strength: Class Z (should be comparable to MetalGreymon)
Stamina: Superhuman to an unknown degree.
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Has a lot of combat experience
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Kaiser Nail (Wolf Claw in the dub): Scrapes at an enemy with his claws and also functions as a ranged attack.

- Garuru Kick: Delivers a powerful kick. Can also launch energy blasts of a different kind.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This generally refers to the Adventure version.