Zekrom > You
Zekrom > You

Name: Zekrom
Origin: Pokemon
Gender: Genderless
Classification: Deep Black Pokemon
Age: Unknown, has been around for as long as Unova itself
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, durability, speed, flight, electricity manipulation (can produce thunderstorms), telepathy, energy blasts, immortality
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Continent level (is Reshiram's equal)
Range: Planetary
Speed: Massively hypersonic via powerscaling (should be at least as fast as the roaming Legendaries)
Durability: Continent level (has tanked Fusion Flares from Reshiram)
Lifting Strength: Class K+ via powerscaling
Striking Strength: Class YJ+ via powerscaling
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Can speak using telepathy, understand another person's beliefs and make conscious decisions on its own.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Fusion Bolt: Zekrom gives off a massive amount of blue electricity and forms a blue sphere around itself, then charges at the opponent.

Fusion Bolt
Fusion Bolt

- Bolt Strike: Zekrom gives off masses of yellow electricity and then tackles the foe with a lot of force.

- Zen Headbutt: Zekrom lowers its head and purple energy begins to form in front of its forehead. Zekrom then raises its head and the purple energy grows larger and forms into a ball of shining light blue energy. Zekrom then flies head first into the opponent.

- Dragon Breath: Zekrom fires a stream of purple fire from its mouth.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
