Uso's face after realizing he's in a show directed by Tomino.
Uso's face after realizing he's in a show directed by Tomino.

Name: Uso Ewin
Origin: Mobile Suit Victory Gundam
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Newtype, Mobile Suit Pilot, Ensign
Age: 13
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman reactions, precognition, clairvoyance, empathy, limited telepathy (can communicate with other newtypes and the dead), can sense the presence of other newtypes, ace mobile suit pilot | Super speed, Strength, and durability, various sensors, radar jamming, flight, beam weaponry, Core Block System, AMBAC system (allows for thruster-less maneuvering in the zero-G environment of space) | Same but with Wings of Light, custom targeting sensor | Same as before | Same but with additional armor plates with anti-beam coating and I-Field generators
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Street level | At least small city level+ with Mega Beam Rifle, town level+ with other beam weaponry, multi city block level with Vulcan Cannon, small building level with Vulcans | City level with Wings of Light, at least small city level+ with Mega Beam Rifle, town level+ with other beam weaponry | Same in addition to at least small city level+ with mega beam cannon (destroyed several mobile suits and a battleship along with its beam shield in a single shot), city block level with Micro-Missile Pod | City level with VSBRs (can penetrate through the Gottrlatan's mega beam cannon shot and is one of the strongest mounted weapons on a Mobile Suit)
Range: Human melee range, senses can range up to dozens of kilometers, dozens of meters with Pistol and Haro | Mecha melee range, dozens of kilometers with beam weaponry | Mecha melee range, two kilometers with Wings of Light, dozens of kilometers with beam rifles and cannon
Speed: Average human, superhuman reactions | Hypersonic+, massively hypersonic+ in space, relativistic reactions (can dodge and intercept beams) | Hypersonic+, massively hypersonic+ in space (it is also stated that the F99 Record Breaker, a prototype MS for the Minovsky Drive System made 17 years prior, could travel the distance between Earth and Jupiter in less than a week) | Hypersonic+, massively hypersonic+ in space (the increased mass, however, makes it slightly slower) | Hypersonic+, massively hypersonic+ in space
Durability: Average human | Multi city block level, town level+ with beam shield | Multi city block level, town level+ with beam shield (likely higher, given how the Gottrlatan can block V2's Mega Beam Cannon), likely city level+ with Mega Beam Shield and Wings of Light (capable of blocking shots from the Zanneck and Gottrlatan's mega beam cannons) | Same as before | Multi city block level+, anti-beam coated armor plates can withstand heats up to town level+ (took three shots from a beam rifle before falling off), likely city level+ against energy attacks with its I-Field generators
Lifting Strength: Average human | At least Class 100+ | At least Class 100+ | At least Class 100+ | At least Class 100+
Striking Strength: Class H | Class GJ | Class GJ | Class GJ | Class GJ
Stamina: Average human | Theoretically has no operating limit as long as all components are working properly | Same as before | Same as before | Same as before
Standard Equipment: Pistol, Haro (can produce bubbles and use them to project its recorded images and videos, can also even control a mobile suit) | LM312V04+SD-VB03A V-Dash Gundam | LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam | LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam | LM314V24 Victory 2 Assault Gundam
Intelligence: Very clever guerrilla fighter and a strategic genius in Mobile Suit combat, was capable of besting a squad of seasoned pilots by himself after his third sortie and takes full advantage of everything at his disposal during a battle
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Beam Saber Extend: By putting two beam sabers close together, Uso can use them like bullets and extends their effective range to dozens of meters when emitting their energy.

- Beam Boomerang: Uso creates a makeshift boomerang by putting two beam sabers together.

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Notable OBD Victories:

- Shinn Asuka (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED) - Shinn Profile

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base | V-Dash Gundam | V2 Gundam | V2 Buster | V2 Assault