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Name: ROU (Rapid Offensive Unit) Killing Time
Origin: The Culture
Gender: N/A
Classification: Space warship, transapient artificial intelligence
Age: Unknown (likely less than 500 years old since it was stated to be a more advanced model than a 500 year old fleet of ROUs)
Powers and Abilities: Super speed, super intelligence, limited ability to traverse dimensions, ability to create energy fields, ability to dump unwanted energy to another dimension thus making it nearly invincible against energy attacks, can sense things from at least 2500 light - years away, displacers allow for teleportation (not of the ship itself but of weapons and enemies, etc.), limited form of precognition (only a few microseconds), ability to attack from other dimensions and from ranges of thousands of light - years, effectors allow nearly instant remote hacking and mind control, as well as energy draining/transference, gravity manipulation (lineguns, pancakers, and nanoholes), energy manipulation and projection, invisibility/stealth, taps into the grid so it will never run out of energy
Weaknesses: Has a limited amount of CAM, nanoholes, and other munitions onboard, cannot travel between universes, can only use its top speed in hyperspace
Destructive Capacity: Star system level+
Range: 2500 light-years, however likely less for its more powerful weapons
Speed: Massively FTL (realtime FTL with warp drive is several thousand c, hyperspace FTL for sustained travel is around 100,000c, burst speed for hyperspace combat has been calculated at around 248 trillion c), reaction time is at most picosecond level, considers thinking at the speed of light to be embarrassingly slow, can review events by individual planck frames
Durability: Star sytem level (stated that it could be harmed by a supernova if it wasn't careful)
Lifting Strength: N/A
Stiking Streng: N/A
Stamina: Limitless as long as it can draw energy from the Grid
Standard Equipment: CAM, nanoholes, plasma charges, drones, etc.
Intelligence: Massively beyond human or other organic intelligence, can process information enough to simulate the conditions of alternate universes, intelligence has been compared relative to a human as a human is to an ant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- See the Culture article that lists their weapons

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Presumably other ROUs of the same class have the same stats, but the Killing Time was shown to be either incredibly lucky or skilled in a battle so it is often considered to be a superior fighter