Watching her die was better than sex


Name: Laurel Dinah Lance, Black Canary
Origin: DCTV
Gender: Female
Classification: Human vigilante
Age: Early 30s at the time of her death
Powers and Abilities: Peak human strength, speed, and endurance, advanced training in hand-to-hand combat and melee weaponry from the likes of the Green Arrow and Nyssa Al Ghul.  
Weaknesses: Recovering addict
Destructive Capacity: Street level, her Canary Cry bypasses durability to a certain extent.
Range: Several meters via Canary Cry
Speed: Peak human, supersonic reactions via powerscaling.
Durability: Wall level+ via powerscaling
Lifting Strength: Peak human
Striking Strength: Class H
Stamina: Peak human
Standard Equipment: Tonfas, "sonic device", pistol
Intelligence: Laurel was a competent defense lawyer.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Canary Cry (Sonic Device): Cisco Ramone retrofitted the sonic grenades used by the original Black Canary (Sara Lance) into a collar at Laurel's request. He also exponentially increased the device's power and range. At will, Laurel can generate an ear piercing scream that is capable of shattering glass and that produces debilitating pain in an area several meters around her. 

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

This profile only covers the DCTV version of Black Canary. For the DC Comics version, see this profile.