Wild Dog DC TV
Wild Dog

Rene Remirez, Wild Dog
Origin: DCTV
Gender: Male
Classification: Human vigilante, former U.S. Navy Seal
Age: Mid 20's
Powers and Abilities: Peak physical condition, advanced modern-day combat training from his time with the Seals, advanced melee weapon and hand-to-hand combat training from Oliver
Weaknesses: Mentally and emotionally unstable, prone to violent outbursts
Destructive Capacity: Street level
Range: Several meters with guns
Speed: Peak human, supersonic reactions via powerscaling
Durability: Wall level+ via powerscaling
Lifting Strength: Peak human
Striking Strength: Class H
Stamina: Peak human
Standard Equipment: Kevlar jacket, hockey mask, twin Beretta 93R; custom-made, full-auto
Intelligence: Average

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
