"The Speed Force is eternity itself, an endless void of time and energy" - Jay Garrick


Name: The Speed Force
Origin: DCTV
Gender: N/A
Classification: Cosmic entity, fundamental force of nature. Barry compares conversing with the Speed Force to conversing with gravity or light.
Age: Tens of billions of years, at least [The Speed Force claims to have been present for the Big Bang, "When the first subatomic particle sprang forth from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there." This is validated to some extent when we see Flash using his speedster powers while fighting at the dawn of time.]
Powers and Abilities: Immortality (type 5), omnipresent, nigh-omniscient, time manipulation, spatial manipulation, matter manipulation, cosmic energy projection, energy manipulation, non-corporeal, can create other beings, can grant and remove powers from lesser beings, mind manipulation, illusion creation, dimensional manipulation, possessionreality-warping
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Well beyond large star level+. [Even before unlocking his full potential, Barry could draw this much power into his aura to shield himself from the gravity of a miniature black hole. In the same episode Barry claims that the Speed Force is more powerful than any force of gravity -- natural black holes can easly reach galaxy level+. The Speed Force is also descrbied as infinite on more than one occasion.]
Range: Multiversal.
Speed: Likely omnipresent within the multiverse.
Durability: Multiverse level+. [The Speed Force was completely unaffected by the birth of Earth-Prime, a violent fusion of three pre-exisitng universes caused by 3 multiverse level threats (The Book of Destiny, The Spectre, The Anti-Monitor)].   
Lifting Strength: Unknown. Likely incalculable.
Striking Strength:
Unknown. Likely incalculable.
Stamina: Limitless.
Standard Equipment: None.
Intelligence: Appears to be nigh-omniscient within the multiverse.


- Speed Force Conduits: Those with a connection to the Speed Force --  generally referred to as "speedsters" --  are all granted the ability to move and perceive time at superhuman speeds. This also grants the user a handful of passive traits such as enhanced metabolism, a peak human physique, and regeneration (mid-low). Skilled speedsters can expand their powers to include intangibility, time travel, lightning projection, and the ability to enter the Speed Force at will.

  • List of Sped Force Users: Barry Allen (Flash), Jay Garrick (Pre-Crisis, Earth-2 Flash), Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash), Eliza Harmon (Trajectory), Hunter Zolomon (Zoom), Wally West (Kid Flash), Edward Claris (The Rival), Jesse Wells (Jesse Quick), Savitar


- Time Wraiths: Time Wraiths are spectral creatures created by the Speed Force in order to maintain the stability of space-time. They are capable of effortlessly traversing time and the multiverse, can chase down speedsters to some extent, and their touch generates a sort of rapid aging/decay.

Gross, and/or ick.


  • Black Flash: Originally an Earth 2 speedster named Hunter Zolomon, aka Zoom, Black Flash is now the Speed Force's number one attack dog. He has all the powers of a Time Wraith, but with more speed; comparable or superior to the likes of Thawne and Savitar  
Why we don't f*ck with time.

- Speed Force Prison: A pocket dimension in the Speed Force capable of holding out-of-control speedsters. While trapped, the prisoner is subjected to an endless loop of their worst nightmare. Wally West, for example, was forced to watch the death of his mother.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
