The TRUE strongest Avenger :kobeha


Name: Carol Susan Jane Danvers, Captain Marvel
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Female
Classification: Human/Kree hybrid, superhero, former U.S Air Force pilot and Starforce soldier
Age: Unknown, likely in her 50s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, Regeneration (low), Energy Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Mind Manipulation resistance, exothermical manipulation, longevity, expert combatant, expert marksman, expert pilot, expert engineer | Flight, can breath in outer space
Weaknesses: Her powers are heavily restrained by the Photon Inhibitor, has a case of amnesia | None notable 
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level via powerscaling (shoulnd't be any weaker than Korath the Pursuer) | At least multi city block level+ (could blow right through the Kree's spaceships), possibly Planet level (was implied by Ronan to be more powerful than the Tesseract, which could restore the Rainbow Bridge and was stated to be able to wipe out a planet by Bruce Banner) | Likely planet level+ (briefly fought Thanos and managed to restrain him for a time while he had the IG before ultimately losing to the Power Stone)
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with photon blasts and weapons | Human melee range, likely hundreds of meters with her photon energy
Speed: Superhuman with hypersonic+ attack speed/reactions via powerscaling (could keep up with a speeding train and spar with Yon-Rogg), likely light-speed attack speed with her photon blasts | FTL (flew from a nearby planet to the earth in a short amount of time) | FTL (kept up with Thanos)
Durability: Multi city block level+ via powerscaling (shoulnd't be any less tougher than Korath, could take hits from Yon-Rogg) | At least multi city block level+, likely planet level | Planet level+, possibly higher (took a few hits from Thanos, even no-selling a headbutt from him while he had the IG before being sent flying by a Power Stone enhanced punch)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 via powerscaling | At least Class 100, likely Class G+ via powerscaling | Class G+ via powerscaling
Striking Strength:
Class GJ+ via powerscaling | At least Class GJ+, likely Class XKJ | Class XKJ
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Her Starforce suit, formerly a Kree weapon and the Photon Inhibitor
Intelligence: Above average 
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: Photon Inhibitor restrainment | True power (Captain Marvel) | True power (Avengers: Endgame)

Other: Not to confuse with her Earth 616 counterpart, or the other Earth 616 incarnations of Captain Marvel