[No image available because Hungry Gods ate that shit too]

Name: Hungry Gods; Many-Angled Ones; The Horror From Beyond; The Invaders
Origin: Greenverse - Secret Histories
Classification: Higher dimensional beings
Age: Unknown
Population: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: Super strengthspeed, durability, stamina, reality warpingtime manipulationdimension manipulation, can project their avatars into other universespossessiontelepathysoul manipulationshapeshiftingmatter manipulation
Weaknesses: Need their avatars to build special towers to summon them if they want to fully manifest in a lesser universe
Destructive Capacity: At least planet level+ likely much higher (scare the ever loving shit out of Ethel, a being roughly on par with the Heart; it's also considered a very bad thing for the universe at large if they were to manifest inside of it)
Holdings: For the most part their homeworld which they keep hidden inside a pocket universe

Described by Eddie as beings that are as big as mountains and multi-dimensional by nature.

1) The Invaders, the Many-Angled Ones, the Hungry Gods. Huge and vast, living things big as mountains. They existed in more than just three physical dimensions at once, so my mind interpreted their appearance as a series of overlapping images, always subtly shifting, never quite the same twice.

How they operate as cosmic locusts explained.

2) The Many-Angled Ones, the Horror From Beyond, the Hungry Gods. Beings from a higher reality than our own, who descend into lesser realities like ours in order to feed, to consume us. They feed on life, on every living thing, from the biggest to the tiniest. They eat worlds, wipe out whole realities, always moving on to the next, like cosmic locusts.

Their avatars, the Loathly Ones, have been known to possess the population of entire towns and sending them into another dimension. Also they eat the souls of their hosts and the conditions of said pocket dimension is described.

3) “Sometimes they take over whole towns,” said Harry unexpectedly. “They start with one family, and then take over the entire community, house by house. When they’ve taken control of everyone, they force the town out of our reality and into some kind of pocket dimension, hidden from human detection. Then they use this hidden base to launch attacks on adjoining towns. Luckily they always give themselves away by being too greedy. The family wipes these towns out as fast as we find them

4).“Terrible place. Every nightmare you’ve ever had. The light was fierce, almost too bright for human eyes to bear. The gravity fluctuated, and directions seemed to switch back and forth when you weren’t looking. The air was barely breathable, and it stank of blood and offal and rot. We’d come in hoping to find someone to rescue, but it soon became clear we were too late. There were men and women and even children all over the ghoulville, but all of them were infected. The Loathly Ones had eaten their souls. The children were the worst. They tried to hide what they were, to trick us into getting too close, but they had no idea how to act like children.

Hungry Gods being able to hide their homeworld in a pocket universe/dimension.

5) “They’re bound to have hidden their homeworld,” said Jay, “inside some pocket universe or dimensional fold, confident no lesser beings from some lower dimension could ever find it. But Jacob is dead, while I’m still alive, and together we can see things no one else can.”

Time itself as just another direction to them, like right or left.

6) “Look,” said Jacob, prodding me firmly in the chest with a surprisingly solid finger. “The Invaders come from a higher dimension than ours, right? That means to them, time is just another direction to move in. We can use the Time Train to access their dimension and attack their homeworld from the past! They’ll never see us coming!”

As said before, they scare the ever loving shit out of Ethel/Strange and he explicitly says that they'd eat him like a snack along with everything else. Even says that they come from a higher dimension than his own

7) “It’s not something I can be wrong about,” Strange said sadly. “The other-dimensional impact is really quite distinct. My torcs couldn’t protect you because the Hungry Gods come from a higher reality than mine. They scare me, Eddie. They could eat me up like a party treat.”

An attack from the Hungry Gods on a poor, unsuspecting planet. Experienced via a vision.

8) I told the Glass to show me how this had happened. What the Invaders would do, when they came. Images came and went before me, but I couldn’t understand any of them. It was just too strange, too different, too other. There were great shapes, living things big as mountains, radiating through more than three physical dimensions. Just looking at them made my head hurt, made me feel sick. Time seemed to slow down and speed up, landscapes rose and fell like tides, cities burned and the moon fell out of the sky. People and other living things ran screaming through distorted streets, transforming and mutating into things that shouldn’t have been able to survive, in a rational world. But still they persisted, still horribly alive and aware and suffering. A black sun, huge and awful, dominated a sky set on fire, until suddenly it shattered, blown apart, spitting out the dreadful things that had been gestating inside it.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
