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"When your kind first huddled around the fire, I was the thing in the dark."

 Alpha Vampire (real name unknown)
Origin: Supernatural
Gender: Male
Classification: The first Vampire
Age: Unknown, likely at least thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthspeeddurability, reflexes and stamina, immortality (type 1), regeneration (Mid-Low), enchanced senses, possesses a telepathic connection to all of his offsprings
Weaknesses: Can be killed via decapitation, dead man's blood, vamptonite (a substance the Leviathans created that was lethal to all monsters)
Destructive Capacity: Wall-level (Stronger than most monsters, comparable to the other Alphas)
Range: Melee range
Speed: Superhuman
Durability: Superhuman 
Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (likely higher, it took multiple demons to hold him down while sedated)
Striking Strength:
 Class KJ
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Should be quite experienced due to his extreme age, has knowledge of Purgatory
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories: 

- Akasha (Vampire Chronicles)

Notable OBD Losses: 

