"You've just been Garth-ed" 


Name: Garth Fitzgerald IV
Origin: Supernatural
Gender: Male
Classification: Hunter (formerly), Pure-blood werewolf, Family man
Age: Unknown, appears to be in his late 20s ~ early 30s
Powers and Abilities: Adept hunter (has experience fighting various monsters) and gunslinger, as a werewolf he has extendable fangs and claws and enchanced strength and senses, regeneration (mid-low)
Weaknesses: Silver, very low alcohol tolerance 
Destructive Capacity: Street level
Range: Melee, higher with guns
Speed: Human, Peak human when transformed 
Durability: Human, Peak human when transformed
Lifting Strength: Human 
Striking Strength: 
Class H, higher when transformed
Stamina: Human, Peak human when transformed 
Standard Equipment: None notable, used to carry various weapons when he was a hunter
Intelligence: Above average; even though he acts like a doofus he was still a successful hunter (as evident by him not being dead by now) and has managing other hunter in a similar fashion to Bobby. Also he used to be a dentist.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: He killed the tooth fairy. It's canon.