external image Tommyadam.png

Name: A.D.A.M.
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie)
Gender: Assumed male
Classification: A.I., Nanite Construct, Sentient Computer Virus, Nanite Covered Mobian
Age: 1
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, flight, Chaos Control, Chaos Emerald assimilation, Nanite control.
Weaknesses: Nanites can be weakened by willpower, but only for a short time. Needs to control a body while outside a computer. Can be outwitted by riddles and/or jokes.
Destructive Capacity: Planet level via powerscaling. Likely Universal While in Super Form
Range: A few meters.
Speed: Relativistic to FTL, MFTL in Super Mode
Durability: At least City level in his base form, likely far higher. Universe Level via powerscaling while in Super Mode
Strength: Class 100 (gave Super Sonic a run for his money).
Stamina: Large
Standard Equipment: Nanites, Chaos Emeralds, Tommy the Turtle.
Intelligence: Very high. Outwitted Dr. Robotnik/Eggman by creating a backup file of himself to save himself from destruction (AKA pulling a Zetta). Created a machine that can attract all the Chaos Emeralds in his Universe.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Super Mode- Uses the Chaos Emeralds to give him enhanced abilities. Similar to Sonic and Shadow's Super Forms but without reality warping.

Nanites- Nanomachines that can take over a person's body and become subject to A.D.A.M.'s will.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Not related to Adam from Neon Genesis Evangelion or Adam Blade/ArcLight from Needless.