Probably the best hedgehog character in this series, which really isn't saying much.
Probably the best hedgehog character in this series, which really isn't saying much.

Name: Scourge The Hedgehog.
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie)
Gender: Male
Classification: Mobian, Anti-Sonic (or Evil Sonic). King of Mobius
Age: 17
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, Super durability, flight (when in Super Mode). Chaos Powers.
Weaknesses: Overconfident, Anarchy Beryls weaken incredibly him after Super Mode fades away. Women.
Destructive Capacity: At least Planet level in Base form. Universe level+ in Super Form via scaling 
Range: Several meters when in base (although that is irrelevant concerning his speed).
Speed: Relativistic to FTL when in Base form. Easily MFTL when in Super Mode (was making Sonic in base form look like a chump).
Durability: Planet level Base, Universal level in Super Form via scaling. Drastically decreases when the Anarchy Beryl's side effect
Strength: Class 100+
Stamina: Very large
Standard Equipment: Anarchy Beryls
Intelligence: Took over Mobius (Anti-Mobius) in a short time and became king. Other than that, above average.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Homing Attack: Launches in spinball form towards the nearest enemy, causing high damage.

- Spin Dash: Rolls into ball form, charges up, and launches away at hypersonic speeds (When in Super Mode, Scourge claims that he can even bust a single planet with one Spin Dash).

- Super Mode: Using the Anarchy Beryls (Anti-Chaos Emeralds), Scourge can go into Super Form and his speed and strength drastically increases. He was even able to repel an assault from the Strongest Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Not to be confused with The Scourge from the Warcraft series.