Juste Belmont
"Do not underestimate the power of my bloodline!"


Name: Juste Belmont 
Origin: Castlevania 
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Vampire Hunter
Age: 18
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, proficient in the use and application of magic, able to utilize spell books, resistant against a variety of magic, levitation, flight, elemental evocation, shape-shifting, summoning, soul manipulation, and an expert combatant renowned as the greatest of his family during his time
Weaknesses: None notable 
Destructive Capacity: Low-Multiversal, able to defeat Maxim Kischine possessed by Dracula and a partially resurrected Dracula 
Range: Human melee range extended by the Vampire Killer, and projectile attacks
Speed: Infinite/Instantaneous
Durability: Multiversal, able to survive attacks from Dracula's Wraith
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, likely Class Multiversal 
Striking Strength:
Class Multiversal
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: His Vampire Killer, and his Spell Books
Intelligence: High, he has spent a lot of time studying magic from his mother's side of the family
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Spell Fusion: Juste Belmont takes after the Fernandez (aka, Belnades) part of his bloodline. Therefore he has a higher aptitude for magic than your average Belmont. He is able to use Spell Books, and combine their power with Sub-Weapons to create a variety of unique spells. A list can be found here

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
