Death Castlevania

"Now, I shall extinguish the candle of your soul!"


Name: Death, Zead (as an alias)
Origin: Castlevania 
Gender: Male
Classification: Abstract, representative of death itself
Age: Impossible to measure, has been around since death existed 
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, is knowledgeable regarding magic and can use it, levitation, flight, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, space and time manipulation, matter manipulation, can create dimensions, can kill concepts, can summon and manipulate spirits, can steal souls, has governance over death, regeneration (High - Godly), immortality (Type 3 and Type 4), and reality warping 
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Low-Multiversal, a match for the likes of Devil Forgemasters and can defeat the Time Reaper
Range: Multiversal, he can teleport into Brauner's paintings from outside of them despite them being different dimensions 
Speed: Infinite/Instantaneous, his attacks kill both "distance" and "sound" making them instantaneous and completely silent 
Durability: Multiversal, can regenerate from being erased from existence 
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, likely Class Multiversal
Striking Strength:
Class Multiversal
Stamina: Superhuman, likely limitless
Standard Equipment: His scythe, and his spirits
Intelligence: Very high, due to existing since the concept of death has. He knows everything there is to know about the cosmology of the universe, and is a vital part of it.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
