Name: Verse
Origin: The King of Fighters
Gender: None
Classification: Embodiment of negative energy and rage, living space-time anomaly
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, flight, martial arts, reality warping, fire manipulation, energy manipulation, soul manipulation, teleportation, immortality (type 1 and possibly 4; thrives on the darkness of people's wishes), can possibly use powers from the souls of its trapped victims (including Goenitz, Zero, Igniz, Ash Crimson, Orochi and many others)
Weaknesses: The numerous souls it contains makes Verse too unstable to prevent their multiple personalities from attempting to gain control, has a mindless desire for absolute destruction
Destructive Capacity: Island level+ (brewed up a massive storm that wrecked the championship stadium as well as distorted the fabric of reality with its mere presence), possibly higher (contains the soul of Orochi)
Range: Standard human range, up to several kilometers and can influence across time with its powers, possibly higher (contains the soul of Orochi)
Speed: At least massively hypersonic+, possibly higher
Durability: Island level+, possibly higher
Lifting Strength: Superhuman to an unknown extent (vastly above those who can toss heavy fighters like ragdolls)
Striking Strength: Class ZJ, possibly higher
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: A pair of big, levitating fiery hands
Intelligence: Mindless; it is limited to expressions and desires for absolute destruction

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Hate Knuckle: Verse walks forward, sending a series of disembodied fists a short distance in front of him.

-Stray Hand: Verse shoots a fiery, disembodied hand forward.

-Stray Scaffold: Verse sends both disembodied hands out to capture the opponent. The opponent is pulled into a bubble that is moved a short distance toward Verse.

-Darkness Collision: Verse brings a fiery, disembodied fist down in front of him, knocking down the opponent.

-Dark Quanta: Verse's teleport.

-Verse Run: Souped up Stray Hand. Verse shoots a massive, disembodied hand that flies across.

-Meteor Verse: Verse drops a barrage of disembodied fists from the sky a fixed distance away from him.

-Grudge Dimension: Verse charges across and performs a grab. He then performs a series of punches from countless disembodied fists.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: