Thousand Year Protector

Name: Kamui Tokinomiya
Origin: Arcana Heart
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Thousand Year Protector, Maiden of Time
Age: Looks 16, but is very ancient (has served since pre-historic times)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, expert swordswoman, her katana has selective intangibility which can strike intangible/elemental beings, pseudo flight, can generate vacuum slashes and energy blasts, summoning, time manipulation (can slow down or completely stop time and generate temporal clones), teleportation, immortality (Type 1)
Weaknesses: Must maintain equillibrium between the Human World and Elemental World to harness Anutpada, Kunugi drains endurance
Destructive Capacity: Island level
Range: Extended human melee range, at least several dozen meters with projectiles, at least a few kilometers with time manipulation
Speed: Sub-relativistic+
Durability: Island level
Lifting Strength: At least Class 25, possibly higher (can toss around Catherine's mecha)
Striking Strength: Class EJ
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: Tamayorihime (her katana), the Time Arcana "Anutpada"
Intelligence: High; despite her dificulty in adapting to new cultures, she is accomplished in her eternal duty protecting humanity with much experience under her belt and is very skilled in the blade.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


-Kunugi: Can sacrifice a bit of health to strengthen her attacks.


-Koufu: Holds out her sheathed katana to deliver a counter-attack.


-Uruma: Kamui's dash-pass slash. Kagesuki is the effect of Uruma reinforced by Kunugi to increase attack distance and speed.


-Kanna: Kamui's delivers a series of quick-draw slashes. Sazarashi is Kanna under the effect of Kunugi to increase attack scope.


-Tenza: Kamui performs a wide crescent slash. Seizan is Tenza under the effect of Kunigi to increase attack scope.


-Wazabane: Kamui performs a quick, descending slash.


-Habaki: Kamui performs cross slashes to unleash a cutting blast. Kodama is Habiki under the effect of Kunugi in which the attack can be stored for later usage.


-Muon: Kamui charges towards her opponent and slashes through them with a powerful strike.


-Horobi: Similar to Tenza, except Kamui slashes through and delays the strike that is more powerful.


-Shi Matsurui: Kamui holds her sheathed blade out to counter-attack with a series of countless powerful slashes.


-Original Unproductiveness: Complete stops time for the entire battlefield with the exception of Kamui and Anutpada.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: