He just can't get what he wants


Name: Wilhelm Ehrenburg, Kaziklu Bey (magic name), "Vampire", "Daemon", Phoenix of Night",
Origin: Dies irae
Gender: Male
Classification: Apostle, Legionnaire, L∴D∴O 4th Seat, albino, NOT Albedo (*Reinhardsmirk*)
Age: 89 years old
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics, enhanced senses, magic, immortality (types 1 and 3), regeneration (at least low-mid, low-godly under specific conditions), limmited non-corporeality, soul manipulation, absorption
Weaknesses: Besides weaknesses common to all Hadou Briah, Rosenkavalier has the same kind of flaws as a "real" vampire (silver, holy objects, fire, corrosion, etc.), because of that even Ewigkeit defense is useless against it
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level+ in AoE, up to city level with Helga's boost (he could fight with Schreiber for a bit, even if all Swastikas weren't opened),  at least city level+ via Gladsheimr's boost (he can put his entire stock of souls in a single attack without running out of fuel, could fight with Methuselah)
Range: Multi city block level+ via Briah (he already could cover 500 meters during Warsaw Uprising)
Speed: Supersonic+, massively hypersonic+ via Briah (he can accelerate to the point he can fight with Beatrice and even Schreiber for a little while)
Durability: City level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (in LDO he's 3rd in terms of physical strength, just behind Machina and Cain)
Striking Strength: At least Class MJ+, higher via absorption
Stamina: Superhuman (but requires supply of souls to fight), nigh-inexhaustible with Gladsheimr's boost (he can spam his most powerful attacks without any signs of exhaustion)
Standard Equipment: Shades
Intelligence: Average, but he possesses beast-like innate instincts which aren't easy to fool even for Valeria or Methuselah
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- die Ewigkeit: eternity destruction. Magical formula created by Mercurius to support ascension to godhood. Alchemy that fuses user and Holy Relic to create superhuman. It enables its user to use souls as a weapon and armor.

  • Spiritual attack: through Ewigkeit, entire body of the Apostle turns into murderous weapon. It's useless to block it physically, what it damages is the very essence of the human, soul. Regardless of absence of pain and body status, just by slightest touch it can kill anyone. Thus, even incorporeal spirits can't survive in front of this power.

    • History poison: by exploiting thoughts and emotion that make up Holy Relic, Apostle can use this superimposed history as a deadly poison that damages body and inhibits regeneration.

  • Spiritual armor: Apostles use absorbed souls in the form of powerful, spiritual defense. Natural durability raises in proportion of absorbed souls. At around 300 souls, it's impossible to harm Apostle with anything on Earth, including nukes. Rusalka has few times that amount. That's why spiritual attacks is the best way to harm them.

  • Enhanced senses: physical strength is not the only thing that die Ewigkeit can supplement. This applies to senses too. Their vision can now accurately see in a few hundred meters and their hearing can recognize voices even through obstructions.

    • Spiritual vision: along with their enhanced senses, Apostles gain ability to perceive souls. This allows them to measure quality of the soul and see when physical vision is useless. This also let them see what is otherwise invisible (like "flying slashes" from Ren's Assiah).

  • Immortality: because Apostles effectively acquire lifeforce of all beings they have eaten, naturally their lifeforce can't even be compared with normal humans. Diseases, poisons and alcohol is no longer effective. Since soul detoriates with age, sucking souls prevents this impending doom by prolonging time when soul whithers completely. Thus, Apostle can only be killed by destroying Holy Relic and all souls it contains.

    • Regeneration: Apostle can easily rebuild own's body by absorbing souls of others. Injuries such as missing limbs or deep wounds can be healed just by sacrificing souls in the stock. And by exploiting spiritual limits (limit of souls one's can absorb) it's possible to heal from any injury by attacking with entire stock in a one attack, thus healing in proportion (that's entire body).

    • Non-corporeality: even with soul consumed, it still doesn't mean death to an Apostle. Strong souls can keep their ego even while absorbed. Apostle can takeover Holy Relic of another consumer, dominate body and rebuild physical body from nothing. However, because of a strong causal bond between Apostle and Holy Relic it's very hard to accomplish and lost battle means losing own's ego.

  • Information absorption: all information is recorded in the souls, from memories to emotions and personal experience. Apostle can use this knowledge for their own means. However, because of tremondous amount of information, high level computing capability is required and this ability is almost useless in the course of battle, because one's identity would disappear (unless it's someone with a huge ego, such as Reinhard or someone's crazy, such as Schreiber).



- Qliphoth Bacikal: Bey's Holy Relic, fusion type, blood of Vlad Dracula. Through this Bey can change all of his blood into stakes of varying size and length. He can erect them from any part of his body unexpectedly and launch them even up to thousands at once. They're sharp enough to easily pierce through buildings and steel. Bey has a huge freedom in manipulation; he can wear them as a brass knuckles, increase his speed by using them as stilts or even as a blunt weapon. However, their true nature is absorption of any force upon contact, doesn't matter if target is organic or not; blood, electricity, water and souls, all of these can't resist fangs of the vampire. Even if they make just a scratch it's still impossible to escape from looting. The only way is to avoid them entirely. Upon piercing someone these stakes release network resembling vines, absorbing everything in the area of effect. Moreover, Bey passively absorbs everything in a few meters of his body.

  • Remote activation: naturally, Bey isn't limited to controlling his blood in confines of his own body. In case it's released outside or even if his opponent drinks it, he can use this blood to create new stakes remotely. This way, he could even harm Methuselah by growing stakes inside him.

  • Fullbody stake: Bey creates stakes from every part of his body and throws himself at his opponent.

  • Forest of Thorns: Bey releases thousands of stakes in all directions, grinding space itself as intensity of this attack doesn't allow anything to pass through.



- Der Rosenkavalier Schwarzwald: Bey's Briah, Hadou type, law that emerged from craving "I want to become invincible vampire at night". Wish to replace his own damned blood with a new one, way to eradicate his shameful past. Realization of this desire is a transformation into vampire. Ignoring time axis and laws of physics, this Briah forcefully creates artifical night zone; battlefield where he can display his full potential as a daemon of night, illuminated by crimson moon. Everything in its area of effect is suffering from powerful looting. It's difficult to even breathe, much less stand or fight. Without strong spiritual protection, living beings are instantly turned into lumps of offal. Harboring fierce emotions will just increase effect of absorption so it's important to keep heart rate and adrenaline under control. Inorganic objects slowly turn into dust and collapse under own mass. Night itself is so deep that it becomes impossible to visually perceive Bey's attacks. Moreover, he can now deploy stakes from outside of his body, be it floor, ceiling or even empty space; there's no safe ground in his domain. Because this space is equivalent to his stomach, Bey can perceive and hear everything inside it. Furthermore, he can inhibit senses of living beings, making impossible for them to navigate. Bey isn't limited to simply moving inside this space, as he can even teleport. Despite being Hadou type, this Briah also has some Gudou properties - changing user into vampire. In the boundaries of this space, Bey's physical characteristics, regeneration and immortality reach never seen heights.

  • Legend conformation: it's easy to notice that his Briah provides him with unmatched abilities, even when compared to Briah of others. That's because Bey has the best compatibility with his Holy Relic, apart from Machina. Without excluding weaknesses of a vampires, he can increase his power to a far higher degree than others. Of course, this's more of a weakness than anything. While his combat abilities rise drastically, Bey can be harmed by flaws common to that of a vampire, literally ignoring his Ewigkeit's defense.

  • Layered night: while Bey's Briah brings forth artifical night, he can increase its density by overlapping it with real night. This way he can can avoid dispersion of his Hadou over huge amount of foreign bodies (he still has limits though) and avoid overloading his soul capacity. In case there's no night, he can create two layers of night on his own, but effect is considerably weaker.



  • Bloody Sister: core of Bey's Holy Relic and source of its vicious nature is Helga Ehrenburg, his sister/mother that ensares his soul with thorns of blood, forever torturing him with damned heritage. This's not her soul, but phantom created by Bey's own, warped memories. In case he's threatened, Helga's obsessive love can further boost his power. Thus, density of his night can't even be compared to before. Plunging world into ultimate abyss, his Hadou squeezes space itself as everything, from living beings to buldings, turns into dust in a mere moment. Not even moonlight of his domain can illuminate this hell. Wilhelm power rises with each passing second, with speed enough to fight with Schreiber for a little while, freeing himself from shackles of gravity as the atmosphere itself is torn apart, at this point it's no longer possible to perceive him. In IkaBey, he demonstrated variation of this, where he deploys not only Schwarzwald, but even his soul in the form of roses made of blood in the outside world. Synchronization of his own soul and Helga. However, this's more of a self-destructive form, as it's fueled by his own soul; true nature of his Holy Relic - mad love towards his own user. Ultimately, he would lose his own ego.


- Blessing of Gladsheimr: in his quest to defeat Methuselah and save Claudia, Reinhard Heydrich decided to give him access to spiritual stock of his own Briah, power of Valhalla, power of Einherjar. While normally his own vessel can hold about 8000 souls, as an Einherjar his vessel is effectively unlimited. Because of this he can put his entire soul stock in every single attack, without running out of fuel. And since Apostles regenerate by looting souls equivalent to the amount they put in the attack, Wilhelm can effectively regenerate all injuries, no matter how dreadful. As long as his link with Gladsheimr remain intact, he's effectively immortal. This's not a state he can acquire with his own power.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
