Should be the protagonist of Dies irae


Name: Yusa Shirou, Georgios (magic name)
Origin: Dies irae
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Legionnaire, Apoptosis, Observer
Age: 16 years old
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics, enhanced senses, immortality (types 1 and 3), regeneration (at least low-mid, low-godly under specific conditions), limmited non-corporeality, soul manipulation, expert marksman
Weaknesses: Nothing notable...aside from his self-destructive tendencies
Destructive Capacity: Large building level+ with Holy Relic | Multiverse level+ (Malignant Tumor Apoptosis is powerful enough to harm Mercurius and Reinhard)
Range: Dozen of meters | Multiversal+
Speed: Supersonic+, massively hypersonic+ reactions | Irrelevant
Durability: City level+ | Multiverse level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Class MJ+
Stamina: Superhuman (but requires supply of souls to fight) | Infinite
Standard Equipment: Desert Eagle, Honda Valkyrie Rune, Elizabeth Bathory (his Holy Relic, usurped from Rusalka), cigarettes, occasionally has access to different weapons/tools like: Claymore mines, dynamite and liquid nitrogen
Intelligence: Very huge. Shirou is usually reponsible for planning in his group and thanks to his ideas he could fight with such a powerful opponents like Bey and Schreiber even without Holy Relic
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- die Ewigkeit: eternity destruction. Magical formula created by Mercurius to support ascension to godhood. Alchemy that fuses user and Holy Relic to create superhuman. It enables its user to use souls as a weapon and armor.

  • Spiritual attack: through Ewigkeit, entire body of the Apostle turns into murderous weapon. It's useless to block it physically, what it damages is the very essence of the human, soul. Regardless of absence of pain and body status, just by slightest touch it can kill anyone. Thus, even incorporeal spirits can't survive in front of this power.

    • History poison: by exploiting thoughts and emotion that make up Holy Relic, Apostle can use this superimposed history as a deadly poison that damages body and inhibits regeneration.

  • Spiritual armor: Apostles use absorbed souls in the form of powerful, spiritual defense. Natural durability raises in proportion of absorbed souls. At around 300 souls, it's impossible to harm Apostle with anything on Earth, including nukes. Rusalka has few times that amount. That's why spiritual attacks is the best way to harm them.

  • Enhanced senses: physical strength is not the only thing that die Ewigkeit can supplement. This applies to senses too. Their vision can now accurately see in a few hundred meters and their hearing can recognize voices even through obstructions.

    • Spiritual vision: along with their enhanced senses, Apostles gain ability to perceive souls. This allows them to measure quality of the soul and see when physical vision is useless. This also let them see what is otherwise invisible (like "flying slashes" from Ren's Assiah).

  • Immortality: because Apostles effectively acquire lifeforce of all beings they have eaten, naturally their lifeforce can't even be compared with normal humans. Diseases, poisons and alcohol is no longer effective. Since soul detoriates with age, sucking souls prevents this impending doom by prolonging time when soul whithers completely. Thus, Apostle can only be killed by destroying Holy Relic and all souls it contains.

    • Regeneration: Apostle can easily rebuild own's body by absorbing souls of others. Injuries such as missing limbs or deep wounds can be healed just by sacrificing souls in the stock. And by exploiting spiritual limits (limit of souls one's can absorb) it's possible to heal from any injury by attacking with entire stock in a one attack, thus healing in proportion (that's entire body).

    • Non-corporeality: even with soul consumed, it still doesn't mean death to an Apostle. Strong souls can keep their ego even while absorbed. Apostle can takeover Holy Relic of another consumer, dominate body and rebuild physical body from nothing. However, because of a strong causal bond between Apostle and Holy Relic it's very hard to accomplish and lost battle means losing own's ego.

  • Information absorption: all information is recorded in the souls, from memories to emotions and personal experience. Apostle can use this knowledge for their own means. However, because of tremondous amount of information, high level computing capability is required and this ability is almost useless in the course of battle, because one's identity would disappear (unless it's someone with a huge ego, such as Reinhard or someone's crazy, such as Schreiber).


- Intuition: even without benefits of the Holy Relic, Shirou's senses are far from normal. Due to his motorcycle accident he lost sensation of pain, taste and smell, but his other senses were drastically improved, furthermore his brain secretes huge amount of adrenaline; thus providing him with miraculous intuition, being on a verge of sixth sense.



- Elizabeth Bathory: Shirou's Holy Relic, fusion type, diary of Elizabeth Bathory, usurped from Rusalka. Contrary to her phenomenon type, Shirou can change any part of his body into various torture devices described in a diary.

  • Chain: chain extending from Shirou's hand up to twenty meters. Powerful enough to withstand pressure of 10 tons.

  • Magic bullets: Shirou demonstrated uncanny ability to grant his Desert Eagle's bullets attributes of the Holy Relic. Upon contact they can release powerful venom or dozens of needles.

  • Iron Maiden: Shirou opens cavity inside of his chest filled with countless fangs that grind everything which comes in contact with it. Shirou can use devoured flesh to recover parts of his body or destroyed torture devices.


The Best Team


- Soul materialization: sufficiently powerful soul can materialize and aid its consumer in combat. However, feat like this isn't easy at all and requires strong bonds to pull it off. In Dies irae only Ren, Reinhard and Shirou himself could do that. Shirou managed to materialize Ellie Honjou.


- Apoptosis: self-destruction factor of Hadou God, force that will certaintly bring ruin to its host, reactionary existence that will occur whenever Hadou Gods has a suicidal wish, cancerous cells in otherwise perfect beings. Shirou is a natural Apoptosis of Fujii Ren, he's one from the very beginning, as Ren contains portion of Mercurius. Apoptosis always has the same amount of power as its host, which means that, without outside help, it's impossible for host to defeat own's Apoptosis. It won't stop until Hadou God it originated from is dead and unless Apoptosis fulfills this task, it's effectively immortal. However, killing Hadou God will result in death of Apoptosis, just like in real life.

  • Soul infection: just like in case of a real cancer, Apoptosis has tendency to spread on the rest of cells, in this case souls. Coming in close contact with Shirou will "help" other souls to see true nature of the law governing universe and potentially support in attaining godhood. In case of Mercurius' world, every soul succumbed to Apoptosis suffers from extreme case of Déjà vu. Also, this ability supports him in usurping Holy Relics of others.

  • Déjà vu: as an Apoptosis Shirou suffers from overwhelming amount of Déjà vu. Since in Mercurius' world it means that incoming event is simply repeated, Shirou has 100% certainty what will happen in the next moment. This's not related to foresight or anything like that, but rather absolute conviction that results will not change. Shirou jokingly dubbed it as "Invincible Mode", knowing he won't die if he won't see moment of his death. This ability works only in Mercurius' world and can't be used outside of plot.

  • Malignant Tumor Apoptosis: special ability of Shirou awakened when Ren turned into a Hadou God. Genuine god-killler. Self-destruction of supernatural phenomena. Rather than simply negating superpowers, this ability forces causality of self-destruction upon very phenomena that deviate from laws of physics, using it as the catalyst to directly harm its users. It's powerful enough to ignore difference in the amount of souls between Ren and other Hadou Gods and directly crush them, while at the same time expanding territory of Ren. If divine authority of Gods doesn't exceed that of Ren, then Shirou can effectively overturn any difference in power. However, since Shirou is still an Apoptosis of Ren, this ability is as harmful to him as it is to other Gods.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base | Apoptosis