Name: Metal Gear EXCELSUS (the last word is sometimes mentioned with lower case letters)
Origin: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Classification: Metal Gear, Anti-Cyborg Cleanup Vehicle
Dimensions: Depends on posture, assuming standard position on even ground: height: 52 m, length: 70 m, width: 90 m
Mass: Hundreds of thousands of tons
Pilot(s): Steven Armstrong (at least for the one shown in the game)
In use by: ArmsTech/AT Corps (developer), Desperado Enforcement LLC. (but technically the property of World Marshal Inc.), other companies can also buy it
Powered By: Unknown
Operational Timeframe: Unknown, likely can operate for at least a week (was designed to outperform cyborgs)
Destructive Capacity: Small town level (circa 2.5 kilotons)
Range: Close to 40 meters in melee, many kilometers with plasma cannons and missiles
Performance: At least hundreds of km/h (but more likely hypersonic) movement speed, massively hypersonic close combat speed/reactions
Terrain: Ground, underground
Durability: Small town level
Material: Composite (which includes honeycomb boron-fiber reinforced plastic and carbon-nanotubes)
Lifting Strength: Class M+
Striking Strength: Class TJ
Notable Features: Super strength and durability surpassing that of military cyborgs, radar, high-speed cameras and various sensors with data fed back into a holographic interface, armored spherical cockpit that submerges into the main frame for further protection, can burrow and dig underground at high speeds
Drawbacks: Its size makes the EXCELSUS too destructive for any but large-scale battles. Similarly it's cumbersome compared to high-spec customized cyborgs (like Raiden) that can actually compete with it.

  • Arms x 2 (each having a container with a retractable heat blade)
  • Legs x 4 (can be used for digging and stomping)
  • Plasma Cannons x 2 (mounted on the top)
  • Missile Modules (that can unleash countless missiles and can potentially modified to launch nuclear missiles)

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Wins:

Notable OBD Loses:
