Name: An'ggrath the Unbound
Origin: Warhammer 40,000
Gender: Male
Classification: Greater Daemon of Khorne (Bloodthirster)/Skarbrand's replacement
Age: At least 10,000+ years old (likely far older)
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, reactions and stamina, immortality (Types 1, 2 and 4), regeneration (low-godly), strong resistance to magic and soulfuck, incorporealsoulfuck, aura that mindrapes those within it, flight
Weaknesses: Speaking his true name can severely weaken him
Destructive Capacity: Moon level+ at least with physical attacks (stronger than Skarbrand who chinked Khorne's armor, his physical attacks were creating massive canyons and destroy mountains as a side effect of battles with beings in the same strength class), ignores conventional durability and defenses due to his daemonic weapons' warp based properties
Range: Several meters melee range, tens of meters with whip, several kilometers with ranged attacks, planetary+ with mindrape aura
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (quadruple digits, was able to evenly match Lorgar for extended time period before going down)
Durability: Moon level+ at least via powerscaling (more durable than Skarbrand)
Lifting Strength: Class T+
Striking Strength: Class YJ+
Stamina: Huge
Standard Equipment: Daemonic Axe (contains the soul of another Greater Daemon that soulfucks those it hits), Metal Whip, Bass Armor of Khorne
Intelligence: Competent hand to hand combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
