Prepare to be Devastated!!

Prepare for extermination!!

Name: Devastator
Origin: Transformers
Gender: Male
Classification: Decepticon Gestalt/Combiner
Age: Millions of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, flight, can shoot laser beams from his eyes, can shoot energy blasts from his weapons, can blow a gust of air with a wave of his hand, immortality (type 1), can survive without air, extreme heat resistance (the Constructicons were able to survive being in lava for an unspecified amount of time)
Weaknesses: Not very intelligent due to the conflicting personalities of his component parts, can be rather overconfident. If he sustains too much damage, he disengages back into the individual Constructicons.
Destructive Capacity: City level (weaker transformers have standard weapons capable of damaging characters of G1 Megatron and Optimus' durability, can harm Combiners of comparable strength to himself, was able to completely stop a massive drill that was about to reach the Earth's core)
Range: Several hundred meters with projectiles, tens of meters melee range by virtue of size
Speed: Faster than the eye+ movement speed, massively hypersonic+ flight speed (can fly into the Earth's core in just a matter of seconds), FTL reactions (was able to tag Omega Supreme in the latter's rocket mode, who can fly to Jupiter and Cybertron in timeframes implied to be no longer than a day)
Durability: City level+
Lifting Strength: Class G
Striking Strength:
 At least Class PJ+
Stamina: No limit shown
Standard Equipment: A large energy blaster
Intelligence: Dumb and destructive, can easily be outsmarted in battle.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 


Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: This profiles deals mainly with Devastator in the G1 continuity.