Name: Trihexa, 666, Beast of the Apocalypse
Origin: High School DxD
Gender: Genderless
Classification: Monster of the Bible, God Killing Beast
Age: Thousands of years
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, regeneration (at least High to low-godly, weaker beings than it can regenerate from their souls), fire breath, teleportation, can split itself in several bodies and his own conciousness, several others
Weaknesses: None
Destructive Capacity: Planet level (The strongest character in the series alongside Great Red and Full power Ophis, much stronger than Shiva, fought what was esentially the whole DxDverse at once after spliting its body and was still winning, his core conciousness alone was a match for Full power Sirzechs and Diabolos Issei at the same time)
Range: Planetary and cross dimensional
Speed: Relativistic (although he didn't move much, his core conciousness was fighting Issei and Sirzechs at the same time)
Durability: Planet level (Shiva outright stated that if he were to try to destroy Trihexa he would have to destroy the whole world alongside it, and even then we wasn't even sure if it would kill it, shrugged off attacks from several Gods like nothing, after being sealed with several DxD God tiers (at least 10) in a isolated dimension it was stated that it would take them at least 10.000 years to kill it permanently fighting it non-stop, regeneration makes him very hard to kill (weaker beings can regenerate from their soul))
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength:
 Class ZJ+
Stamina: Endless
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Showed none except some basic insticts, although it does have a conciousness it never spoke
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

- Fire Breath: Trihexa can fire a powerful fireball from one of its heads.

- High Speed Regeneration: Aside from its nigh indestructible skin, Trihexa possesses high speed regeneration, being able to heal itself in an instant if any parts of its body is damaged.

- Body-Splitting: Trihexa can split each of its head into seven different bodies.

- Core Expulsion: Trihexa has shown the ability to release its core. As he demonstrated in Volume 21, as Trihexa was curious as it sensed both Great Red and Ophis power coming from Issei.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
