Survived more attempts at death than the entire Final Destination series

Name: Lazlo En Kuldes, Razuro En Kurudesu
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, former Gaien Knight, former Captain Commander of the Island Liberation Navy, Chief Star of Heaven
Age: 21
Powers and Abilities: User of the True rune of Punishment; which grants the ability of potent offensive capabilities (with its universal represenation being atonement and forgiveness), resistance and enhanced physical stats, energy blast, barriers, agelessness, immunity to disease and ailments, death manipulation, healing capabilities, paralyze and illusions (based on a child rune capability). On his own, a strong spirit and an affinity to water magic
Weaknesses: Previously, the use of the rune would cause him to pass out. Once the rune changed phase, it no longer causes this issue
Destructive Capacity: At least solar system, possibly small galaxy level (all True runes are equal, only being different in their universal function. The Beast rune can move the moon and the star rune can create/ignite stars. The star rune is significantly less than a True rune). The Punishment rune is known as one of the more pure destructive runes
Range: Extended melee with twin swords, many kilometers by feats with rune, potentially universal via scaling
Speed: At least lightspeed (should be equal to Riou), massively FTL attack magic via scaling from lesser runes
Durability: At least solar system, possibly small galaxy level by scaling. His spirit is extremely fortified given the rune he owns eats the lifeforce of the owner upon use and Lazlo has used it numerous times without suffering such fate (in the past, no one has survived a single use of the rune)
Lifting Strength: Peak human 
Striking Strength:
 At least peak human, likely superhuman (doesn't have direct interaction with ones that are, but would easily scale to the likes of Riou)
Stamina: Massive
Standard Equipment: Twin Destiny Fang (dual swords) and True Rune of Punishment
Intelligence: Lazlo is yet another character in the Suikoden series that has officially been in two large scale campaigns against an empire or a threat to a nation (world as per Rhapsodia). He is highly skilled in combat having trained as a Gaien Knight prior to his leadership as Captain 1st Command and appears to make sound decisions in battle as it kept him alive through it all 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Everlasting Mercy: A decaying angelic figure appears in front of the foe after healing the allies before unleashing a blast at it. In Rhapsodia, the entity is no longer present, suggesting the forgiveness phase is responsible

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
