The Distorted Mirror

Name: Miku Kohinata
Origin: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Symphogear (Lesbogear) user
Age: 15 during the beginning; 17 by AXZ
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, flight, the ability to hit intangible beings as other Symphogears are capable of doing, her lasers are extra effective against other Symphogears because of its erasing properties; even without her Gear, she's displayed superhuman strength by being able to throw Solomon's Cane into a portal dozens of meters in the air | Due to being hit by Shenshou Jing's beam, she is cleansed of the Original Sin and is one of two people that can use Divine Power, the other being Hibiki
Weaknesses: Due to her love for Hibiki, she can be easily manipulated into thinking that what she's doing is protecting Hibiki which was used against her by Ver during G
Destructive Capacity: Large planet level+ (superior to S1 Gear users; can fight well against pre-Frontier Hibiki and Chris; unsealed the Frontier and is strong enough to the point only Hibiki could beat her; stronger than Episode 6 Nephilim whose heart was used to power up the Frontier and did a feat has been calced to be at 36 ninatons).
Range: Extended melee range with melee weapons, several hundred kilometers with projectiles
Speed: FTL (is no slower than Hibiki who was dodging her lasers, can keep up with Chris easily)
Durability: Large planet level+ (can take hits from pre-Frontier Hibiki and Chris and come out no worse for wear; she had to be defeated by one of her own laser beams due to how powerful her Gear was)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, exact degree unknown
Striking Strength: Class XKJ+ (can harm pre-Frontier Hibiki who in turn thrashed the Nephilim in Episode 6 of G)
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Shenshou Jing
Intelligence: Average human (high schooler) intelligence
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Miku only had her Gear during two episodes. However, there are hints in AXZ that she might get it back.

