One batch, two batch. Penny and dime...


Name: Francis David Castle Sr., Frank Castle, Pete Castiglione, The Punisher
Origin:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, vigilante, former Marine of the United States 
Age: Around his 30's
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability and stamina. Master marksman, master combatant, master tactician, master assassin
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least wall level+, likely small building level+ (could fight on equal terms with the likes of Daredevil), small building level+ with prep (brought a grenade launcher during his duel with Jigsaw)
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with most weapons, hundreds of meters with sniper rifles (killed a cartel sicario between the border from Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, U.S.A.)
Speed: Subsonic with supersonic attack speed/reactions (kept up with Daredevil, most of his firearms should have these levels of speed)
Durability: At least wall level+, likely small building level+ (could take hits from Daredevil)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman via powerscaling (shoulnd't be any weaker than Daredevil, could swing and throw around dumbbells, kettlebells and weight plates with ease)
Striking Strength:
Class KJ+, likely Class MJ
Stamina: Superhuman (comparable to Daredevil, could continue fighting after getting shot on the abdomen and having his foot drilled. Withstood a brutal beating and torture from dozens of Jigsaw's men with handguns, knives, crowbars and various other weapons and got up to fight inmediately after)
Standard Equipment: His bulletproof vest, his weapons may vary (list of the different weapons he has used throught the shows)
Intelligence: High (has tremendous expertise in handling many firearms, including pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, rifles, machine guns, and grenade launchers. With his devastating use in firearms, he made many criminals and police officials believe his attacks were the work of a group or "army." He was capable of hitting targets without actually seeing them. Castle is a very dangerous, fierce, and lethal armed and hand-to-hand combatant, holding his own against the highly skilled Daredevil, even briefly gaining the upper hand against him in their first encounter. Castle is a highly skilled, effective and experienced military tactician, since notably, during the seemingly hopeless extraction of his unit, Castle assumed command, and single-handedly cleared a helicopter landing zone of enemy combatants (that prevented his unit's escape), while the rest of his men, even Ray Schoonover, hunkered down. Castle even anticipated this conflict as a trap, despite Schoonover requesting his tactical input and Russo supporting his strategic instincts only to have Rawlins negate it. As the Punisher, Castle later used these tactics to single-handedly track and kill entire gangs of criminals (notably the Dogs of Hell, Kitchen Irish, and Mexican Cartel) with high efficiency, to the point that Castle was initially mistaken by Daredevil and the police for an entire squad of gunmen, rather than a single man.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 counterpart.