"You shoulnd't have killed my mom and squashed my walkman"


Name: Peter Jason Quill, Star-Lord
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human/Celestial hybrid, Guardian of the Galaxy
Age: 37
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina,  Termographic Vision, Flight (via jet boots and aero-rigs), Gravity Manipulation (via gravity mines), expert marksman, expert thief, competent combatant, tactician and leader | Regeneration (high), Immortality (type 1), Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, True Flight, Mind Manipulation resistance, presumably Mind Manipulation and Shapeshifting (he should be able to replicate Ego's Celestial powers)
Weaknesses: His emotions tend to get the best of him, as he's prone to outbursts of rage and sadness when confronted by the death of a loved one | His Celestial powers are directly linked to Ego. If Ego dies, he will permanently lose them
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level+ (held his own against Gamora in CQC, his blasters should be comparable to Korath's weapon) possibly far higher (was heavily implied to be able to kill Iron Spider, one of his shots made Thanos groan), moon level with the hadron enforcer (was stated by Rocket Raccoon to hold this much power), possibly large planet level+ with certain weapons (has a specialized stunning projectile that was strong enough to make Thanos groan in pain. his gravity mines could restrain Mark L Iron Man and Thanos) | Small planet level+ (could fight on par with Ego)
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with his blasters | Galactic (expanded Ego's seeds across thousands of planets)
Speed: Superhuman with hypersonic+ attack speed/reactions (the Guardians could react to these speeds) possibly much higher (could keep up with Mark L Iron Man and Iron Spider) | Massively hypersonic+
Durability: Multi city block level+ (could take hits from Gamora. Should be more durable than Korath, who could survive his blasters shots) possibly much higher (could survive holding the Power Stone for several seconds due to his half-Celestial physiology) | Small planet level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman | At least Class M, possibly Class G+ 
Striking Strength:
Class H+, Class GJ+ with his blasters, possibly Class XPJ with his stunning projectile | At least Class NJ, possibly Class XKJ 
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: His quad blasters, energy bolas, helmet, jet boots, aero-rigs, holographic map, gravity mine and a walkman (later replaced by a Zune Music player)                                                                                                                                                                              Intelligence: Above average. Quill is an expert in close-quarters combat. He was able to hold his own against Gamora, an assassin trained by Thanos. He uses his two blasters as melee weapons to strike and knock his foes unconscious with a hard strike to the head. Quill is well-versed in the use of weapons from all over the galaxy, and he is especially skilled with his own Quad Blasters. He was able to handle a Kyln Guard's rifle, despite never seeing the weapon before. Quill also mastered the art of thievery and evasion. The act of thievery was not even in his criminal record. He can also understand what Groot means like Rocket Raccoon, despite Groot only saying "I am Groot"
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 
Quad Blasters: Quill carries dual direct energy weapons in the form of handguns. They each have two triggers for the index and middle finger for the top and bottom barrel respectively, with the bottom barrel shooting lightning and the top barrel shooting fiery bolts or blasts. While the fire-like blast on the top barrel is lethal, killing its live targets on impact and even sends the target flying backwards with great force, the bottom barrel produces streaks of non lethal electricity to electrocute its targets and incapacitate them. He has used his two blasters as melee weapons in the past to strike and knock out his foes, specifically Kyln Guards, with a strike to the head. He was even shown striking enemies with the barrels while shooting the lethal setting, which allowed him to hit harder and harm stronger opponents. While fighting Thanos on Titan, he demonstrated being able to load specialized projectile attachments onto the barrel of his weapons, one of being a stunning device powerful enough to cause Thanos pain.
Energy Bolas: A hi-tech version of an ancient throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of an interconnected energy cord, designed to capture targets by entangling their legs. During the Attack on Peter Quill, Star-Lord used these Bolas to try and subdue Gamora, although she quickly escaped.

Helmet: Quill wears a helmet that shows threats on HUD and has internal comm systems. The helmet allows him to breathe in the vacuum of space. When he presses the button on the side of his head, a light blue energy wraps around his face and the back of his head, and becomes the helmet.

Jet Boots: Quill has jets that he attaches to his boots to make jet boots, while he activates them with buttons on his leg. The jet attachments can rotate in any direction and can be used to propel him through the air at great speed, though they do not allow for sustained flight and only allow him to jump and briefly float for several feet. They can also be used in flying in deep space due to the lack of gravity and weight removing the limitations they experience in environments of normal gravity. Quill improvised the technology as weapons by attaching one of them on a hostile and activated them, which sent the target flying backwards.

Translator Implant: Star-Lord has a translator implanted in his neck that helps him understand many of the languages of almost every known species in the universe.

Aero-Rigs: Quill uses one of Rocket Raccoon's jet-pack like devices to seamlessly fly through the air, giving him great mobility in combat. Unlike his jet boot, Aero-Rig allows Quill sustained flight to any altitude.Plasma Sphere: One of Peter Quill's gadgetry and weapons is a glass like ball that much like a glowstick, lit up when shook. It was dangerous when shattered, as it could ensnare and disintegrate living creatures in a cloud of its released plasma, though it quickly diminishes.

Holographic Map: Part of his arsenal and tools is a holographic device given him by the Broker, Quill able to project and Holographic Map on the planet Morag of the size of a foot ball field and projects what was there before, even people moving around. Quill scanned the ruined temple area of Morag and could identify the creatures and people living their before. It could also highlight a certain area red to show Star Lord where it detects a certain object. This is how Quill knew to go up the temple stairs to find the Orb.

Gravity Mine: A device that could exert greater amounts of the force of gravity on a designated object and gravitate it towards itself was in Quill's possession. It can generate gravity as powerful as a planet and pull something to itself as if the object were in a planets orbit. If it is not programmed to pull a certain object while active, it will pull everything in a 1 foot radius towards itself at great speed. Quill used this to incapacitate Korath's troops before it was shot and destroyed.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: Base | Celestial 

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 counterpart