"I can't control their fear, only my own"


Name: Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Female
Classification: Human Mutant Enhanced, Avenger, Nexus being 
Age: 26 - 27 | 29 | biologically 29, chronologically 34
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength (via TK), speed (reactions), durability (with shields), and stamina.  Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Flight/Levitation, Forcefields, Mind Manipulation (hallucinations, emotional manipulation) | Control of her Chaos Magic granted her broad Reality Warping through which she displayed Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Matter Creation, Life Creation, Astral Projection, and greater Mind Manipulation (Wanda can now invade memories, and even trap someone's personality in their subconscious while leaving a new personality its place). 
Weaknesses: She's as durable as a human without her shields, runes can negate her magic. 
Destructive Capacity: At least country level+ (restrained Vision, warped Ultron's vibranium chassis), likely higher | Small planet level+ (Wanda held Thanos back with one hand -- forcing him to use a Space Stone shield -- while she concentrated on destroying the Mind Stone with her other hand. Incapacitated Thanos with TK during Endgame). | At least small planet level+, likely much higher. Nexus Wanda is said to be more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme.
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with her energy attacks. | Human melee range, at least dozens of meters with her energy attacks. Kilometers with magic energy, possibly multiversal senses (seems to have heard voices from another universe) 
Speed: At least superhuman with MFTL+ energy attacks/reactions via powerscaling at her peak 
Durability: Peak human level, continent level+ with her shields | Peak human level, small planet level+ with shields | Peak human level, at least small planet level+ with shields 
Lifting Strength: Peak human, Class G+ with telekinesis
Striking Strength: Peak human, can probably be amped to Class ZJ | Peak human, can probably be amped to Class XJ |Peak human, can probably be amped to at least Class XJ
Stamina: Superhuman | Superhuman | 
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Above average (stayed undercover alongside Vision for 2 years, having been taught by Black Widow how to hide in plain sight). Seems to be a fast learner. 
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Chaos Magic (Reality Warping): With no knowledge of her power's magic nature, and in a state of extreme mental distress, Wanda wraps an entire town in a reality-warping bubble (called a hex). Cutting it, and its citizens, off from the real world completely. Using this, she lives out her dream life in various decades as seen through the lens of American sitcoms. 

  • Matter Creation/Transmutation: Wanda's first display of power is to will her house into existence through Chaos Magic. She is then constantly reshaping the physical world, mostly the aforementioned house, to align with each era's aesthetic. Beyond constant remodeling, she isn't above willing the occasional dog collar into existence.   

  • Animation: During one of Wanda's more serious pregnancy glitches, she brings a stork painting to life. The stork even proves immune to Wanda's fritzy magic, for a time. 

  • Creation of Sapient Life: Wanda wills two children and a copy of her lover into existence.

  • Time Manipulation: Wanda's powers cause both her children to age more than 10 years in an instant. When flexing full control over the hex, she is able to stop time briefly. She also resets a couple of "scenes", when things aren't going her way. 

  • Mental Manipulation: Wanda created faux personalities for the entire town while trapping the real thing in the individual's subconscious. This also happens to anyone who manages to get past her barrier, She keeps all of the children asleep for the duration, as well.   

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: From Age of Ultron to Civil War | Infinity War to Endgame | Nexus Being (WandaVision) 

Other: Not to confuse with her Earth 616 counterpart