And the Cuckquean of the Year Award goes to...


Name: Shizuru Ushio Amatsu
Origin: Silverio Trinity
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Esperanto, Harmonizer, scientist, member of Virgo, member of Acquarius (former), member of the Amatsu nobility, yandere
Age: Late 20s or early 30s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics, enhanced senses, limited reality warping, bioelectricity manipulation
Weaknesses: Physically average, has rather fragile mind so mindfuck (or even telepathy) are very useful against her
Destructive Capacity: Wall level+
Range: Human melee, she can control bodies in several meters
Speed: Supersonic+ via her Asterism (she can fight equally with Aya)
Durability: Wall level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Superhuman
Stamina: Superhuman 
Standard Equipment: Seyfert-type Adamantium dagger
Intelligence: Huge. Scientist who remodelled countless humans and turned them into war weapons, explored boundary of life and death and claimed she could even perfectly reproduce a dead person with sufficient vessel
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- Marriage of my Ganymedes: Shizuru's Asterism, bioelectricity manipulation. Inhumane ability which subjugates electric signals running through cells and puts opponent's body under her control. Shizuru mainly uses it to control large amount of personally remodelled Esperanto through simple commands to overwhelm her opponents while remaining outside of combat range. Even after losing their life activity she can force them to move and fight until they turn into ashes. In the fight she can exert control over her opponents directly by cutting them with her dagger, such as using their hands for compulsory suicide. She can even control her own body to compensate for the lack of combat experience by reproducing martial art of her colleague.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
