Explanations aren't needed

Name: Arshes Nei
Origin: Bastard!!
Gender: Female
Classification: Half Human/half Dark Elf, Warrior Mage, Rider of Havoc, Swordswoman
Age: 100 years old+
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, mastery of wind, lightning and fire magic, talented swordswoman, flight, ability to nullify magic, can open portals to other dimensions
Weaknesses: Seemingly less resilient than the other Riders of Havoc, Halloween takes full moon to cast
Destructive Capacity: Country level+ (the Halloween spell is slightly more than half as powerful as Black Sabbath, which was revealed as being country level)
Range: A few dozen meters
Speed: Likely hypersonic reaction speed
Durability: At least large building level+
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At least Class MJ (was able to trade blows with Gara and Abigail)
Stamina: Above peak human
Standard Equipment: Raijinken
Intelligence: Likely above average due to her mastery of magic learned at very young age from DS
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Def Lepard: creates an opening to another dimension absorb all magical energy, rendering the use of spells and magic based attacks impossible.

- Anselm: A spell creating light arrows homing in the target's vital spots. It easily bypasses regular armors.

- Ryott: A 2 million volt lightning discharge created from the user's palm.

- Dee N' Tear: Summons a tornado restraining the target and cutting it to shreds with high pressure wind blades.

- Sword of the King, Claws of the Eagle: Nei's signature sword strike, it's on par with Gara's Shin Majiken and can easily destroy a building.

- Exodus: The spell caster gets surrounded by 20000° flames from the deepest circle of Hell and then use his own body as a weapon by throwing himself towards the target. The heat is so intense it can vaporize stone.

- Megadeath: A spell using the opposing forces of air and earth to create a gigantic explosion able to take down large fortresses. It also creates a thunderstorm and an earthquake.

- Tesla: The most powerful lightning spell creating a gigantic electric blast falling on the target and obliterating it. When mastered it's easily a hundred meters in width.

- Lightning Comet: Nei's most powerful sword strike, it's an attack striking from the air that is said to be as powerful as Tesla.

- Halloween: A huge blast of energy shot from the user's palm. The target is submitted to an energy of 10MeV. It can only be used during certain moon phases and lasts for a few seconds but it can easily destroy an army of many millions.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
