You're already dead, oh ho!


Name: King Mickey Mouse
Origin: Kingdom Hearts
Gender: Male
Classification: Mouse, Keyblade Master
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthspeeddurability, agility, time manipulationflight/levitation, energy manipulation, electromagnetic and gravity manipulation, adept in elemental magicteleportation, spatial manipulation, healingforcefieldand is an expert swordsman
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Large planet level+ (is portrayed to be equal to Sora and Riku, and is, at this point, above Terra, Aqua, and Ventus as they were in Birth by Sleep.
Range: Several thousand kilometers with magic, a couple meters with regular melee
Speed: Faster-than-light (is a very quick and nimble character on par with Sora and Riku; easily faster than Monstro who massively outpaced the Highwind in KH1)
Durability: Large planet level+
Lifting Strength: Class M+, likely higher
Striking Strength: Class XJ
Stamina: Superhuman, survived the Realm of Darkness, which houses almost endless Heartless
Standard Equipment: Kingdom Key D or Star Seeker, his Keyblades of choice
Intelligence: High, he is a Keyblade Master, governs his own world, retains extensive knowledge on things pertaining to the verse, and trained under the wise and knowledgeable Master Yen Sid


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Keyblade (Kingdom Key D): Through channeling one's strength of heart, the user can summon a Keyblade to use in battle. Mickey's Keyblade is the Kingdom Key D, a weapon from the realm of darkness. Through use of the Keyblade, the user is granted increased strength, speed, durability, and increased magical power, as well as access to special abilities, like turning your keyblade into a bike or whip. Thus far, Mickey has not demonstrated such special abilities

Notable OBD Victories:

HST (Holy Shonen Trinity) (Was agreed that he could clear Bleach, One Piece, and a large chunk of Naruto, only stopping at top tiers) (this information is outdated; as things stand, Mickey would solo the entire HST, Naruto top-tiers included, with ease)

Notable OBD Losses:
