Battleships exhange fire in the Fourth Battle of Tiamat


Name: Imperial Battleship (actual class name is unknown)
Origin: Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Type: Mainstay Space Combat Vessel, Battleship
In use by:  Galactic Empire, New Galactic Empire
Dimensions: length: 677m, beam: 179m, height: 228m
Mass: Approximately at least 4 million tons
Powered by: Nuclear Fusion Reactors
Propulsion: Fusion Engines (using purified water as medium in space, and environmental air in the atmosphere)
Destructive Capacity: Town level w/ missiles and railguns, town level+ w/ auxillary beam cannons, city level with main cannons, island level with nukes
Durability: Town level, city level with shields
Material: Multiple layers of monocrysaline metal alloy and ceramic foam
Performance: Relativistic (at least 0.11c, there are scenes which may imply marginally FTL speeds), MFTL (500c) beams, MFTL (about 3 million c) warp speed
Weaknesses: Electromagnetic fields only protect against charged particles and ferromagnetic objects. Gravity shields are only offering protection from a certain spot it's concentrated at. Both barriers are less effective at shorter ranges and almost useless against point-blank attacks. Most protection and firepower is concentrated on the front, leaving the ship vulnerable to flanking attacks. The ship's sensors and communications are susceptible to electromagnetic interference and jamming. There's a limit to the lenght of warp jumps and they cannot exit close to massive bodies like planets and stars.
Terrain: Air, Space, Water
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Having at least a skeleton crew trained to operate it (can be remote-controlled or steered by only a few people but then the ship isn't combat-ready)
Average Crew Count: 726 men
Operational Timeframe: At least several months (radically decreases in case of intense/reckless combat operations)

  • 30cm neutron beam cannons x 6 or occasionally x 8 (mounted on the prow, each can traverse up to 30 degrees in every direction)
  • 12cm electron beam cannons x 44 (mounted on the port and starboard sides)
  • Ventral beam cannons x 4 (mounted on the ventral hull)
  • Nacelle Ports x 10 (configured to fire beams, missiles or railgun projectiles)
  • Point-defense lasers x many (mounted on the super and substructure of the ship)
  • Missile Exit Ports x 6 (3 on each side of the main hull)
  • Missile Batteries x 8 (5-tube systems located on each side of the ship, 40 decoys/missiles per volley)
  • Walkure exit ports x 24 or occasionally x 30 (mounted on the sides, can launch 48 or 60 Walkur fighters total)
  • Cargo Hatch (can release mines, depth charges or used to deploy ground troops upon landing)

Weapons Range: Millions of kilometers (ships are regularly engaging each other from light-seconds away), sensors can reach to billions of kilometers
Special Forms: None
Notable features: Enduring and robust design, verniers and nozzles allows the ship to turn around and change its vectors relatively fast, artificial gravity generators, hover/levitation, electromagnetic and gravitational shields, various sensors, FTL sensors, electronic warfare equipment, warp travel by folding space-time, tank-beds and medical bays, shuttle and fighter bays, nukes, massive cargo capacity allowing to deploy mines,troops or carrying other equipment
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Other: This is profile covers the Imperial Battleship used in the UC788 era onwards. Like with all LotGH profiles the ship's stats are based on the anime. The original novel version's stats may be slightly different.