Name: Esdeath
Origin: Akame Ga Kill
Gender: Female
Classification: Human
Age: 20s
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, durability, Super senses, CQC Combatant, Master Swordsman, Time manipulation, Elemental resistance, and Flight
Weaknesses: Mahapadma can only be used once a day.
Destructive Capacity: Small Town level-Island Level(stronger than Shikoutazer & Tyrant) | Country level(w/Ice Storm)(Requires Prep Time)
Range: Extended melee range with her rapier. Serveral miles(w/Ice Storm)
Speed: Supersonic-Hypersonic+ likely Massively hypersonic (Dodged Budo’s lightning)
Durability: City level (took a punch from Evolved Incursio)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman 
Striking Strength: 
Class KJ | Class PJ (Knocked down Tyrant with a single slash)
Stamina: Superhuman (Was shown to fine after using her trump cards)
Standard Equipment: Her Rapier 
Intelligence: Basic military knowledge, possesses an extensive knowledge of human physiology, C
an quickly read and adapt to an opponent's fighting style, and Very observant(noted that Shikoutazer had many openings).

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Trump Card(s)

"Mahapadma" (摩訶鉢特摩 or Makahadoma in Japanese), the technique that freezes space and time, is named after one of the cold hells in religion. A great amount of energy is used to pull it off, which is why it can only be used once a day.

Ice Calvary - She summons an army of centaur like beings made up of ice. They can be set to attack automatically if the user chooses and has a form of regeneration. 

Ice Storm - Esdeath reabsorbs the power she distributed to her Ice Calvary and with a snap, unleashes an ice age capable of covering an entire country. 

Additional Techniques

Weissschnabel - Esdeath creates several icicles from thin air and fires them at the user's target with a simple hand gesture.

Grauhorn - Esdeath creates a giant horn of ice from thin air to pierce their target.

Hagelsprung - Esdeath creates a giant pillar of ice which looks like a piece of gigantic hail and throws it at her opponent.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Aokiji (One Piece) - Aokiji Profile
