Ryukotsusei Inuyasha OBD

Name: Ryūkotsusei
Origin: Inuyahsa
Gender: Unknown
Classification: Dragon Daiyōkai
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability (Ryūkotsusei's body is covered in scales far harder than steel), endurance, can fire energy beams from his mouth using youki
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Building level (by virtue of size)
Range: A few dozen meters
Speed: Faster than the eye can see+
Durability: Large building level via powerscaling
Strength: Superhuman+ (was easily able to overpower Inuyasha in physical combat)
Stamina: Should be somewhat decent since he was able to fight Inuyasha
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, not much is known about its intelligence otherwise
Notable Techniques/Attacks:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
