Shishinki Inuyasha OBD
The True Phantom of the Opera

Name: Shishinki
Origin: Inuyahsa
Gender: Male
Classification: Daiyōkai
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, is able to cut dimensions and send opponents directly to hell, able to nullify attacks aimed at him to another dimension (hell)
Destructive Capacity: At least town level+ via powerscaling physically (is more powerful than Inuyasha, who can town bust with his weakest technique), his Meidou Zangetsuha ignores durability
Range: At least one hundred meters
Speed: Faster than the eye can see+
Durability: At least large building level+, likely much higher
Strength: Superhuman+ (able to fend off attacks from Sesshomaru)
Stamina: Great, was able to fight Inuyasha's father and Sesshoumaru
Standard Equipment: An iron staff
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, not much is known about his intelligence otherwise
Notable Techniques/Attacks:

- Meidō Zangetsuha: This technique creates a path to Hell itself by creating a giant circular portal that can suck anyone in its path, though it can also be used to escape from a Meidou one is already in, as well as entering/exiting pocket dimensions and sucking up enemy attacks. Can be spammed

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
