Yura Inuyasha OBD
That hair though

Name: Sakasagami no Yūra (Inverted-Hair Yūra)
Origin: Inuyahsa
Gender: Female
Classification: Oni Yokai
Age: 50+ years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance (feels no pain when losing limbs or having a hole punctured through her chest), hair manipulation (she is able to control people and practically make them into her puppets using her invisible hair as the strings, can also grab nearby weapons with her hair strands as well as make her hair grow in an instant), fire resistance (Yūra set her hair on fire and came out unscathed), flight, able to transfer her soul to inanimate objects
Weaknesses: When an object containing her soul is destroyed, she dies
Destructive Capacity: Small building level
Range: Several dozen meters
Speed: Faster than the eye
Durability: Wall level+
Strength: Superhuman+ (was able to slice through Inuyasha's skin with her sword)
Stamina: Superhuman considering she is a yokai
Standard Equipment: A comb, her sword Benigasumi (crimson mist, has the ability to cut flesh and bone without cutting her specialized hair)
Intelligence: Fairly intelligent, transferred her soul into a comb and hid it within a skull so she couldn't feel pain in her physical body as well as control her hair from far away
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Kushi no Kago: Yura creates a net of hair that dices anyone unfortunate to walk into it (similar to a booby trap).

- Oni-Bi Gushi: Using her comb, she makes a sweeping motion, unleashing a torrent of flames which can be channeled down her hair.

- Kushi no Ori: Yūra directs a large mass of hair upward, forming a massive cage made of her hair, in which she can attack her enemies in without them being able to escape.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
