Moebius Legacy of Kain OBD

Name: Moebius
Origin: Legacy of Kain
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Sorcerer, Pillar Guardian
Age: Unknown, over 100 judging by his elderly appearance
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, teleportation, soul manipulation, dimensional travel, immortality (type 1), time manipulation, energy manipulation, summoning, illusion creation, and several of others
Weaknesses: Can die if you remove his soul
Destructive Capacity: Wall+ level
Range: Several meters with a blade, longer with magic
Speed: Above peak human
Durability: Human level
Strength: Unknown
Stamina: Unknown
Standard Equipment: A magical staff that has a serpent coiling around the staff and biting the orb
Intelligence: Is an evil sorcerer and is Guardian of the Pillar of Time, and has been known to trick others into believing anything he says
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Vampire Weakening Orb: The orb in Moebius' staff is enchanted to weaken vampires in its presence.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
