The Infused
Basically, Gordon Freeman on all the steroids.



Name: The Infused, as dictated by the player
Origin: The Secret World
Gender: Male or Female, as dictated by the player
Classification: Human, Grigori, Nephilim (depending on whether they fixed the Gaia Engines or caused irreversible damage to them)
Age: In their twenties, more often than not
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, immortality (Type 3 and Type 4), regeneration (Low - Godly), extra sensory abilities, can generate and manipulate anima which they can use to amplify their physical abilities or enhance their weapons, can heal themselves or others with anima, able to use a wide variety of magic, resistant against a wide variety of magic, elemental manipulation and evocation, chaos generation and manipulation, blood generation and manipulation, matter manipulation, space and time manipulation, can manipulate probability and karma, can create and dispel illusions, levitation and flight, teleportation and apportation, can traverse all of space and time through Agartha, can survive in the vacuum of outer space, resistant against reality warping (the Filth is useless against them), can create black holes, can create big bangs, and reality warping 
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Multiversal, can cause irreversible damage to the Gaia Engines 
Range: Multiversal, cross dimensional, and can time travel
Speed: FTL
Durability: Multiversal, made more difficult to destroy thanks to the fact they can resurrect from nothing
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, likely Class Multiversal
Striking Strength:
Class Multiversal
Stamina: Inexhaustible, as a result of being connected to the Gaia Engines
Standard Equipment: Various melee weapons, and firearms 
Intelligence: Average, but quick to learn and has access to the Buzzing which has recorded all known information dating since the creation of reality by the Gaia Engines
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
