Clark during his dark phase

Name: Clark Kent, Kal-El, Superman, Man of Steel, Smallville, The Blur
Origin: Smallville
Gender: Male
Classification: Alien, Kryptonian
Age: 24 by the end of the TV show
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength and abilities due to his kyptonian nature allowing him to absorb and retain solar energy (that of a yellow sun), invulnerability, regeneration (low-mid), heat vision, super breath (can produce freezing temps with it), super hearing, super vision (x-ray, telesopic, microsopic and multi-spectrum), a level of resistance to some forms of hax (transmutation, death, paralysis, mind), can resist and repel existence wiping/altering, time manipulation (though his skill level with it isn't all that great)
Weaknesses: Various kyrptonites produce various effects (the most recognizable, green kyrptonite, weakens Clark. The effects of Green K isn't as devestating to end of series Clark as it used to), magic (though not to the great extent it was during the show), the Bleed can harm him to an extent (granted, that thing can destroy anything in the multiverse; even the multiverse)
Destructive Capacity: At least solar system level (has pushed the planet Apokolips. While not having replicated such a feat again in the comics, he has been noted to have gotten stronger and the Apok feat has been referenced on a couple occasions. Was able to wreck the Omega Monitor when told to "take off the kid's gloves". Previously, Omega Monitor was running through the entire Justice League ensemble, even Clark. Another nod on the increase in strength is being stronger than the power donned by Green Lanterns; 5 Lanterns were enough to keep a rift from earth to the Source Wall open)
Range: Melee range to at least a couple of kilometers with heat vision/super breath (once blew away clouds) 
Speed: MFTL (has fought numerous Manhunters at once.These Manhunter made their way to Earth from another sector in, at most, half a day before that fight. To note, sector 2813 and 2814 are separated by at least 23 galaxies. Clark has also traversed this distance in under a couple of hours at most and has matched Lanterns that crossed universal distances in a few minutes)
Durability: At least solar system level (has endured hits from Doomsday 2.0, whom wrecked the lot of New Kypton, some of the Legions and Clark. Clark also became the only person to ever survive the Bleed; something that has destroyed numerous universes within the Multiverse. He did so on 5 separate occasions)
Lifting Strength: Class Stellar
Striking Strength: 
Class XGJ, possibly higher 
Stamina: Very high. His endurance allowed him to move within the Bleed and use what was bathe on his body to re-enter the Monitor's ship even while his body was extremely wrecked.
Standard Equipment: Legion ring, Lantern ring (momentarily), a couple of suits (one for kyptonite protection and one for speedforce interaction)
Intelligence: Clark has the ability to amass and store a large amount of information due to his brain functioning on a much higher level than humans. As for in battle, Clark was not so much a genius during his younger days. He's refined into a more solid and capable fighter as he got older, and moreso once he became the Man of Steel. By the end, he has become an able leader and one his allies would follow without any doubt.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile covers the Smallville TV and comic version of Clark Kent/Superman. See below for the other Superman profiles:

All Star Superman
DCAU Superman
Post-Crisis Superman
Superman Prime (DC 1 Million)
Super-Boy Prime
- Silver Age Superman
Tangent Superman
Superman 1 Million
DCTV Superman