Heart Aino
Origin: Arcana Heart
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Maiden of Love
Age: 14
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, skilled martial artist, pseudo flight, can generate shockwaves, summoning, light manipulation, energy blasts, barriers, attack reflection, possibly healing
Weaknesses: A love freak, which itself is a requirement for her to harness the Love Arcana "Partinias," terrified of cockroaches
Destructive Capacity: Island level (has defeated Mildred and Angelia)
Range: Standard human range, at least several dozen meters with projectiles
Speed: Sub-relativistic+ (has defeated Angelia)
Durability: Island level
Lifting Strength: At least Class 25, possibly higher (can toss around Catherine's mecha)
Striking Strength: Class EJ
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: Her big, red wrist ribbon and the Love Arcana "Partinias"
Intelligence: Average; although she can be quite a ditz, Heart is smarter than she lets herself on to be to the point she has shown to feign stupidity and is also quite a skilled fighter.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Heartful Punch: Heart's Shoryuken-like attack, but with a heart-shaped explosion at the peak. "Amazing Heartful Punch" is a Super version of this move.

-Iron Fist Punch: Rears back and lunges ahead with a straight punch. "Iron Fist Punch of Love" is a Super version of this move.

-Ribbon Beam: Heart performs a hopping backhand which unleashes a fun heart-shaped beam blast.

-Special Kick: Heart performs a speeding divekick. "Special Kick of Love" is a Super verison of this move that generates a shockwave upon impact.

-Super Duper Amazing Iron Fist Punch of Love: Heart winds up her fist to perform a skyward Tekken Punch at an angle.

-Ílios Sfaira: Heart summons Partinias to chuck a giant ball of pure love at the opponent, bursting in a great flash.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: