Adol Christin
If it exists, he has stabbed it at least once. No seriously, he murdered his entire universe.


Name: Adol Christin, Adol the Red
Origin: Ys
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Mercenary, Adventurer, Dragon Warrior
Age: 23, as of Ys VII
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, can survive in the vacuum of outer space, resistance against a wide variety of magic (transmutation, time stop), resistance against reality warping, able to use magical artifacts, proficient in the use of emelas weapons, he is a proficient alchemist and he is able to create fluxstones, able to destroy abstract beings, able to destroy incorporeal entities, and a master swordsman
Weaknesses: You won't find anyone with as much bad luck with boats as Adol Christin. He has no innate ability to use magic, and has to rely on magical artifacts in order to use any magic. 
Destructive Capacity: Universal+, he was able to destroy Gruda after he absorbed the Akashic Records causing them to collapse on themselves, possibly much higher as the Akashic Records maintain all possible time-lines as well as containing the laws that construct them in the first place, he was able to defeat Theos de Endogram destroying all of reality as a result, he was able to destroy the Origin of Creation facilitating her rebirth into the Goddess of Evolution, and the Abyss of Beginnings (the previous reality as it was in a gestalt process due to the Origin of Creation)
Range: Human melee range, extended by his sword
Speed: Massively FTL, Adol Christin was able to fight Dark Fact as they both shoot through the universe the latter created to the point they were zipping past galaxies
Durability: Universal+, he is able to survive attacks from Dark Fact, Darm, Jabir, Gruda after he absorbs the Akashic Records, Theos de Endogram, and the Origin of Creation 
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, likely Class Universal+
Striking Strength:
Class Universal+
Stamina: Superhuman, and he is able to compete with the likes of beings whose stamina is inexhaustible such as the Eldeen
Standard Equipment: His armor, shield, sword, and his journal 
Intelligence: He is a known historian, and writer documenting his adventures in his journals. Besides that, he is a master swordsman and infamous for his talent with any sort of bladed weapon. He is familiar with alchemy, and knows how to create fluxstones using existing elements which can be used to cast various spells. 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile was made under the assumption Adol Christin has his standard equipment.