Throw all shit at him - he dared to betray Valhalla


Name: Kyougetsu Keishirou, Wilhelm Ehrenburg (previous life), "Daemon", "Phoenix of Night"
Origin: Kajiri Kamui Kagura
Gender: Male
Classification: Distorted human, Moksha, member of Kyougetsu Clan, member of Eastern Expedition, still NOT Albedo (*Reinhardsmirk*)
Age: In early 20s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics and senses, immortality (type 3), regeneration (low-mid), darkness manipulation, probability manipulation, absorption
Weaknesses: Rebounding Gale will correct any change in causation created by Magatsuki, which means that his loved ones (in his case, only Sakuya) will receive damage in proportion to warped misfortune; reincarnating back into Wilhelm will completely wipe out his existence as a "Kyougetsu Keishirou" and kill Sakuya
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level+ (destroyed arm of Tenma of Awaumi with a single blow at the beginning of the story; stronger than Soujiro and Shiori), at least city level+ via Tenma Kessenka (in this state he's powerful enough to split sea and break mountains)
Range: Several kilometers (he could throw his stakes at such distance)
Speed: At least supersonic+
Durability: Multi city block level+, at least city level+ via Tenma Kessenka
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: At least Class GJ+ (he can destroy Awaumi's hand with a single blow), class PJ+ via Tenma Kessenka
Stamina: Superhuman, nigh-inexhaustible with Tenma Kessenka
Standard Equipment: Multiple giant kunai
Intelligence: Average, knows a lot about combat and nature of Distortion
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- Uho-hou: method to seal misdirection occuring in all things. In other words, to turn off blind spots by changing directions. Adapting to spirit and concepts, its usage is very huge and can influence any territory, from a degree of feelings conversion to high dimensional spiritual defense. This way, Keishirou is passively protected with invisible barrier. It's very robust because it constantly crushes weak points. However, it's no better than piece of paper before Taikyoku of Tenma.


- Barrier Break: Keishirou throws his kunai in all directions and severs connection of local territory with ley lines, killing nature in a limited area and destroying existing barriers.



- Distortion: foreign factor mixing with human world and distorting existing common sense, changing humans into beings out of ordinary doctrine. Their power rises in proportion to degree of pollution. Distorted humans of high-degree emanate perpetual feeling of dread and fear, with such intensity that scenery itself distorts.

  • Different World: those with particularly powerful Distortion (like Keishirou) turn into independent world iself. As such, common sense no longer applies to them. Thus, even if they surpass speed of sound, no shockwaves will propagate as they're "locked" in themselves.

  • Body Enhancement: naturally, physical abilities are boosted too. Keishirou can easily surpass speed of sound, overpower and even take head on Shiori's attacks enhanced by Qigong. His clash with Habaki was such that it was impossible to even intervene in their battle, ripping apart everything in the vicinity.

  • Body Rearrangement: because Keishirou is distorted to the extent he can no longer be called human, his body functions are completely different. Bones shape, muscles density, position of internal organs and meridians; all of them can be freely controlled by Keishirou. Attacking his body has little effect. Keishirou can always rearrange his body so he will receive little damage and he can only be killed by cutting his head. This way, he can also trap his opponents.



  • Magatsuki: dreaded Distortion of Kyougetsu Clan, unique only to them. It's automatic protection through occurence of misfortune. Magatsuki responds to threats directed to the Keishirou and changes laws of causation to curse agressors with bad luck. Random events like accidental deaths, natural disasters and errors in movement occur to protect Keishirou; world itself trembles as this mad Distortion ignores all laws of the world. It becomes nearly impossible to harm Keishirou in this state, while on the other hand it's trivial for him to kill others. Effect increases in proportion to the threat Keishirou faces.

    • Collective Body: Kyougetsu Clan have collective life, collective fate. Backlash of Magatsuki, Rebounding Gale, will affect them in proportion to used Magatsuki. Because of that, their village is isolated from the rest of civilisation. Due to its powerful effect, no one beside Habaki can prevent Rebounding Gale of the Kyougetsu Clan.


- Tenma Kessenka: powerful ability of Keishirou usurped from his previous life. However, because no Hadou can occur in the Hajun's world, its expression is Gudou. Thus, Keishirou changes into night itself. His entire body undergoes drastic change as it's painted with black of the night, all his wounds are healed and even atmosphere explodes as steaming darkness wriggles like living organism. Its ability is absorption of any force coming in contact with his body. Defense force, offense force; any kind of power is usurped by him and changed into his own power, devouring every existence. Note: Keishirou can no longer use Magatsuki in this state.

  • Luck Absorption: not even luck itself can escape from the grasp of this Daemon. All received injuries are fortunately shallow and heal in the blink of an eye, meanwhile his opponent unfortunately receives only mortal injuries. Keishirou directly siphons luck of the opponent, leaving only misfortune. He can even use it to avoid Shiori's Distortion, exercised by Numahime.

  • Stakes: overlapping with the image of the bloodsucker, Keishirou can create stakes of varying size from his own Distortion. Creating them in such quantities he can offset barrage of the Sukuna's guns.

  • Wave of Distortion: full body Distortion unleashing abyss of darkness reminiscent of roses tainted with red and black, eating anything which comes into contact with it. It's powerful enough to pierce through mountain range.

  • Reincarnation: this ability is a genuine proof that Wilhelm's existence is overwriting Keishirou's own. By further returning back, Keishirou can acquire power equal to that of Tenma, returning as a hero of Shuradou. Gradually changing from Gudou to Hadou, experiencing true reincarnation and sacrificing Sakuya, he would sublimate to the existence of God and acquire Taikyoku as a result. However, in the end he rejected this "blessing" and became Moksha.


- Moksha: unique existence liberated from the jurisdiction of the Throne. Rejecting all blessings and gifts of the God, they're "pure" humans, freed from shackles of Taikyoku. Forced on lonely pilgrimage, no longer crossing with heaven and earth, his soul shining with radiance never seen before. At that moment, crack occured in the heaven, perfection of the God is tarnished. In this state, Keishirou loses all his powers and abilities. However, since Keishirou is liberated only from existing Taikyoku, in case new heaven occurs, he'll be once again under influence of the Throne.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
