Lilysse OBD
"Arnice, I love you. I will always love you."

Name: Lilysse
Origin: Nights of Azure
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Saint of the Curia
Age: Unknown, looks to be around her early 20s; older in Nights of Azure 2 as it takes place decades after the first game
Powers and Abilities: Super speed (reacted to the Nightlord's Blue Blood quick enough to shield Arnice from it), durability (survived the Nightlord's Blue Blood for an extended period), magic, her cooking (she's so bad at cooking that her food can kill fiends), can tame Arnice (so she's stronger than the Nightlord in a sense)
Weaknesses: She's a non-combatant and thus can't defend herself properly.
Destructive Capacity: Unknown normally as she is not a combatant; around city to country level with her cooking (her attempt at baking cupcakes killed a bunch of fiends/Servans)
Range: Normal human melee range
Speed: At least FTL+, possibly much faster (she reacted to the Nightlord's Blue Blood; the Nightlord is the strongest and fastest demon in the series meaning that she's also faster than Liliana)
Durability: Universe level (survived the Nightlord's Blue Blood for an extended period)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown
Stamina: At least peak human, possibly higher
Standard Equipment: Her recipe book
Intelligence: At least average human intelligence. However, she is fairly knowledgeable about fiends and demons due to working for the Curia. She also managed to outsmart Moon Queen Malvasia and escape from her clutches in Nights of Azure 2.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
Arnice and Lilysse using the power of yuri