Another proof that best girls don't get their own routes


Name: Vanessa Victoria
Origin: Silverio Trinity
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Esperanto, Captain of Scorpio
Age: Late 20s or early 30s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics, enhanced senses (to higher degree than other Esperanto), limited reality warping
Weaknesses: She's limited in her means of offense and defense
Destructive Capacity: Wall level+
Range: Human melee
Speed: Supersonic+, massively hypersonic+ reactions via her Asterism
Durability: Wall level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: At least class KJ+
Stamina: Superhuman 
Standard Equipment: Seyfert-type Adamantium sword
Intelligence: Huge, she's captain of Scorpio and renowned in Zodiac for her tactical mind
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


- Suddenstab Antares: Vanessa's Asterism, enhancement of the 5 senses. Unlike most starlights which rewrite outside world for the optimality of the user, Vanessa's ability is that of complete internal reinforcement. Vision clear enough to perceive opponent's behaviour and act accordingly, hearing powerful enough to detect echoes of the heart and contracting muscles, olfactory and tactile senses used for assessing current situation. Born in the battlefield where Vanessa managed to prevent all surprise attacks, suicide bombers and sniper rifles - enviroment on which unexpected situations like these occur naturally. Vanessa's speed doesn't change, but through her senses she can even respond to enemies faster than her. Due to high rank in maintenance she can preserve this form for a long time and her output allows her to trade blows with Ash with Mk.Braze Hyperion.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
