Name: Amahl Farouk, Shadow King, Devil with the Yellow Eyes, Lenny, Benny
Origin: Legion
Gender: Male, can appear as female
Classification: Human Omega Mutant
Age: Several centuries old
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed and durability, Reality Warping, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation (can easily control people, tell them what to think, put them to sleep, etc) Dimensional Manipulation (can freely manipulate the Astral Plane) Telekinesis, Levitation, Teleportation, Astral Projection, Fire and Electricity Manipulation, Energy Blasts, Forcefields, Weather Manipulation (caused a thunderstorm) Petrification, Transmutation, Matter Manipulation (can turn people into dust. Could turn a man into a pig) Sealing, BFR (can trap people inside his mind, could seal dozens of people inside a child's mind and a man inside a monkey), Possession, Non-Corporeal (can live on as a mind within the Astral Plane before possessing someone in the real world) can physically interact with emotions, resistance to all of the abilities mentioned beforehand (can shut his mind off from other telepaths, can kick people who try to enter his mind via body swapping) and Time Manipulation (could push through a time loop with sheer willpower, could escape the Realm Outside of Time)
Weaknesses: His body is relatively frail in comparison to his power standing
Destructive Capacity: At least planet level (somewhat weaker than David) likely up to star level+, at least within the Astral Plane (within this realm made of pure energy, David and him have shown the ability to create entire landscapes with the sun and stars inside them)
Range: Planetary, likely universal within the Astral Plane
Speed: Human level with supersonic reactions/attack speed (easily faster than the Time Eaters, which can dodge bullets) likely hypersonic (David caught some bullets that were only centimeters away from his back)
Durability: Wall level (can take hits from Kerry and the likes, which have fought creatures capable of destroying metallic androids) at least planet level, likely up to star level+, at least within the Astral Plane via forcefields
Lifting Strength: Class 5
Striking Strength: Class KJ, likely up to Class XGJ with his powers
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: High, is a master manipulator with centuries of experience
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Telepathy: Farouk has vast telepathic powers, which grant him numerous different abilities. He is able to invade, manipulate and sense the minds and thoughts of others, as well as transmit his own thoughts. He was able to communicate with Syd in the astral-projected room created by David due to having interacting with her mind previously when she switched bodies with David.
- Astral Manipulation: Farouk used this power when he battled David Haller's father on the Astral Plane. He also used this ability to construct an elaborate illusion of the Clockworks Hospital, capable of trapping several people, including several powerful psychics such as David Haller and Walter, a Mutant working for Division Three. His power over the realm allowed him to telekinetically affect the environment, such as immobilizing Kerry and Sydney, as well as controlling Walter’s motor skills and forcing him to walk backward. Additionally, he was able to contort Walter’s body in Astral Plane, simultaneously killing him in the real world. When confronted by Oliver Bird’s attempts to assist the Summerland mutants attempts to contain him with a psychic dampening helmet for David, he demonstrated being able to forcibly send him back to the real world.
- Astral Projection: Farouk is able to travel to the Astral Plane and meet with David. Oliver and Farouk where able to project themselves over to Melanie to manipulate her and eventually teleport her away with them.
- Mental Sedation: Farouk is able to incapacitate and render people unconscious without causing any harm to them. While possessing Kerry, he was able to knock Melanie to the floor just by using his hand and imitating a gun pointing at her, and once reunited with his true body, he was able to knock out Clark and multiple Division 3 agents effortlessly.
- Memory Manipulation: Farouk was able to alter David’s memories, causing him to forget his presence whenever David noticed.[11] He also managed to implant fake and altered memories in David, in an effort to hide his presence.[8] Farouk was also able to overwhelm the memory manipulation abilities of Ptonomy, being able to prevent him from viewing certain memories, as well as temporarily trapping him, Melanie, and Sydney in David’s memories.
- Consciousness Absorption: After she was killed by Sydney Barret inhabiting David's body after accidentally swapping bodies with him due to David's attempt to kiss Syd, Lenny Busker's consciousness was absorbed by Farouk and used as a "mask" to conceal his true identity.[9] Even after taking possession of Oliver, Farouk was still able to control Lenny's consciousness and kept her imprisoned within the Astral Plane when he was not "using" her.[12]
- Possession: Farouk can embed his consciousness within the minds of others, and can only be removed by his own volition, or by being removed through Sydney's mind-switching power. Hosts of the Shadow King sometimes manifest yellow eyes when possessed, though others (such as David and Oliver Bird) have normal eyes. While possessing David and Oliver, he was capable of influencing their perception of reality, memory, actions, and behaviour without having to fully take control of them, as he did to David for years. When disembodied in the real world, he appeared as a black shadowy mass that was able to have some effect on his surrounding, colliding with Oliver and sending him flying across a room while possessing him and causing a gate behind him to shut.
- Astral Manipulation: Farouk used this power when he battled David Haller's father on the Astral Plane. He also used this ability to construct an elaborate illusion of the Clockworks Hospital, capable of trapping several people, including several powerful psychics such as David Haller and Walter, a Mutant working for Division Three. His power over the realm allowed him to telekinetically affect the environment, such as immobilizing Kerry and Sydney, as well as controlling Walter’s motor skills and forcing him to walk backward. Additionally, he was able to contort Walter’s body in Astral Plane, simultaneously killing him in the real world. When confronted by Oliver Bird’s attempts to assist the Summerland mutants attempts to contain him with a psychic dampening helmet for David, he demonstrated being able to forcibly send him back to the real world.
- Reality Warping: As one of the most powerful psychics known, After possessing David and feeding off him for 30 years Farouk has the power to manipulate reality at will. When Farouk, in Oliver Bird body entered Division 3, he turned one agent into a pig and another into a fish. He was also able to make bullets unable to harm him, even when multiple gunman where firing at him at close range as well as make himself appear to grow to towering heights. [4] Additionally, his use of Lenny's form was able to pull Cary through a the floor and into another room and causing a spoon to emit a shockwave when she tapped it. He was also seemingly able to create a giant drain stopper and several several video screens within the maze his body was kept. He was shown to be powerful enough to somewhat resist power dampening technology that was placed on his body when he was captured by Division 3, as he was able to summon a mouse and have it whisper into Syd's ear, apparently to reverse the alterations to her mind and memory done by an increasingly unhinged David.[13]
- Aura Generation: During his fight with David while controlling Kerry's body, Farouk was able to generate a red and black aura of energy around himself.[10]
- Matter Manipulation: When Amahl, in Oliver's body entered Division 3, he disintegrated several Division 3 agents with a mere thought.[4] He was also able to manipulate Cary and Kerry's mutation and trap the former within the others body, eventually leading them to become separate individuals.
- Inanimation: When Farouk's projection of Lenny tapped a spoon, the shockwave from it caused Kerry to be frozen in place, completely unable to move.
- Teleportation: Under Amahl co-piloted Oliver's body, he eventually was able to cause Melanie to appear physically with them in the desert where the former's true body was.
- Telekinesis: Farouk can move, control and otherwise exert force on objects around him with his mind. Whilst possessing Kerry, Farouk flung Clark aside after he attacked him. [10] When restored to his physical body, he used his power to hold the power dampening tuning fork known as the Choke in the air before throwing it nearly a mile away.
- Levitation: Farouk is able to seamlessly move through the air through concentration.[13]
Notable OBD Victories:
Thanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - Character Profile - Thanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe) [Speed was equalized. Under standard stipulations, Farouk would lose]
Notable OBD Losses: