Crowd OBD
People in a crowd


Name: Homo sapiens sapiens/Humans/Humankind/Mankind/People/Man/Woman
Origin: Real Life
Height: Varies worldwide. In developed countries, average heights are over 1.6m for females, and 1.7m for males. Robert Wadlow is widely regarded as the tallest human ever measured, at 2.72m. The shortest humans suffer from a condition called dwarfism, and can be as little as 50cm in height.
Mass: The average range for a male appears to be in excess of 70-80 kilos, and for a female, in excess of 60-70. The heaviest human ever weighed, a morbidly obese man named John Brower Minoch, weighed in at 636 kilos. The lightest would again be those suffering from dwarfism (surpassing most suffering from malnourishment) can be as little as 5 kilos, which is about as much as a housecat.
Gender: The species has both Male and Female representatives (as well as indeterminate/hermaphrodite)
Classification: A race of intelligent bipeds.
Age: DNA and fossil evidence seems to indicate an appearance of anatomically modern humans around 200,000 years ago. Human lifespan varies, but is typically between 70-80 years, though this depends on the living conditions of the particular population.
Population: Approximately 6.9 Billion.
K-Level: 0.72
Technology/Abilities: Humans have developed a strong international scientific and engineering community that has been capable of things such as space travel, advanced robots, as well as harnessing energy (and weapons) from the binding energy of nucleii. Humans have many ways of transcending their physical limits.
Powers and Abilities: Speed, strength, durability, stamina, intelligence, technology.
Weaknesses: As a whole, humans can be very fractured and humanity is divided into many social and political groups (though it could be assumed that a singular threat would unite us all). Humans are also subject to their environment and disease. Human technology can also be vulnerable. Some humans have specifically individual weaknesses, such as the inability to swim.
Industrial Capacity: Humans are capable of rapidly achieving projects and have various automated and rapid industries. Some countries produce more of a particular industry than others. China for example specializes in steel and other metals. Countries share and invest in other countries in a worldwide business network.
Holdings: Planet Earth as a whole, but humans are spread across the planet and divided into countries ruled by particular institutions.
Destructive Capacity: Individually, humans are street level. Powerful humans can break bricks and bend small amounts of steel. With guns and knives/bladed weapons, a human has the potential to defeat and kill another human (or some animals) very quickly. With technological weapons humans can go right through the range to citybusting when using nuclear weapons.
Range of Attack: Humans can attack with their limbs in the range of about a meter, with melee weapons perhaps up to several. Guns can travel 100s of meters. Large scale missiles can cross continents. A missile in space could travel between planets.
Speed: Human to peak human level. Most humans can run between 5 and 7m/s max. Athletes can reach speeds of 10m/s. The max instantaneous velocity for an elite sprinter was about 12m/s. Sprinters can accelerate at a rate of 2-3m/s squared. Average human reaction time is 250 milliseconds. An athlete can react in less than 150ms. The peak biological limit appears to be 100ms. A boxer's jab can exceed 14m/s and hit in a 20th of a second. Muhammad Ali, who was a pro heavyweight boxer, could throw six punches per second. Some people can throw over 8.
Durability: Human skin is rather soft and easily damaged. If bleeding from a main artery, humans can die within minutes. Organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs are all vital for human survival. The first is protected by a hard skull and cushioning liquid to dissipate g-force. The latter two are protected by the flexible ribcage. Human bone is a strong, calcium based material, which is enormously resistant to compressive forces (more so than reinforced concrete). However, bone is conversely very weak to torsional forces, and fractures due to forces twisting the bones are quite common. Bone's tensile strength (the force it can resist before permanent deformation/shattering) is about 1/5th that of a high tensile steel. Human beings can increase their bone density through martial arts or weightlifting (by as much as 10% in some cases). Human durability can increase with addition of muscle, or even fat. More blood means a human will take longer to die.
Strength: An untrained human male can typically overhead press more than 35 kilos. Females usually lack the strength of males for hormonal and structural reasons, though there are many strong women. Strong humans can lift aloft their body weight. Very strong humans can lift over 100 kilos. The heaviest weight ever recorded as being lifted is 226 kilos in a standing overhead press. It's possible humans could peak at 1/4 a tonne. The weakest humans would be either unfit, genetically disadvantaged individuals, but overall it would be dwarfs (AGAIN! Sorry guys.) I saw an article recently about a dwarf weightlifter whose max lift was 4.5 kilos, which is more than 50 times weaker than the very strongest human!
Stamina: Typical humans don't last many minutes with maximum exertion. With pacing, some athletes can produce average power of 400 Watts for as long as an hour. Humans die after several minutes without air, 2-3 days without water, perhaps a month without food.
Standard Equipment: Knives and guns are typical things the average human could bring into a battle.
Intelligence: Human level!
Notable Individuals:

- Barack Obama
- George W. Bush
- Bruce Lee
- Billy Mays

Notable Attacks/Techniques: N/A

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
