external image Celestial_Being_Logo.png
Name: Celestial Being
Origin: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Age: 200+ years
Classification: Secret Conspiracy, Paramilitary Organization
Number of Members: Unknown
Leader(s): Aeolia Schenberg (deceased), Veda (supercomputer with terminals all over the Earth)
Center of Operations: Celestial Being (asteroid base, previously located on the Moon)
Technologies/Abilities: Technology supposedly 200 years ahead the fictional world in 2301, GN Drives that work on photogenic decay effect and can generate energy for virtually forever, GN particles produced from GN drives that have various uses like beam weapons, enhanced strength and durability, reduced mass, flight/levitation, forcefields, radar jamming and other almost magical effects based on pseudo-quantum science, advanced mechs based on the said GN technology, nanotechnology, cloning, individuals with telepathy and precognition, global observation system on Earth, supercomputer with powerful hacking, ability to manipulate information world-wide and able to make nearly perfect forecasts for any future events or operations
Weaknesses: Hacking Veda's main server (on the Celestial Being asteroid) can potentially cripple the entire organization. Can only produce perfect GN drives on the Jupiter, in limited numbers.
Holdings/Authority: Hidden research bases on the Lagrange points, hidden base on the dark side of the Moon, research center on the Jupiter's eye, secret agents all over the Earth
Finances/Industrial Capacity: Able to manufacture thousands of GN-Tau Drive equipped Gaga suits in a few months
Affiliated Groups: Gundam Meisters, Krung Thep, Fereshte, Team Trinity
Notable Members:

- Setsuna F. Seiei
- Lockon Stratos (Lyle Dylandy)
- Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy)
- Tieria Erde
- Allelujah Haptism

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Loses:
