
Name: Wave
Origin: Akame Ga Kill
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Age: 20
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, durability, swordsman, CQC combatant, and Flight
Weaknesses: Using two Teigu is strenuous(However, at the time he was weakened.)
Destructive Capacity: Wall-Small Building | City Level (stalemated with Evolved Incursio and is capable of pushing back Shikoutazer)
Range: Human melee range
Speed: Supersonic | at least Hypersonic+ likely Massively hypersonic 
Durability: Multi-City Block | City Level (Stalemated with Evolved Incursio)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman 
Striking Strength: 
Class KJ | Class PJ
Stamina: Superhuman, (Equipped two teigu at once without any serious issues.)
Standard Equipment: Grand Chariot’s sword | Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema
Intelligence: Knowledgeable about various sea creatures. very observant, can quickly read and adapt to an opponent's fighting style. 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Grand Fall - He leaps into air often above his opponent and delivers a drop kick. Power seems to become increased due to the pair of disks the attack creates. 

Grand Fall Flugel - Used in combination with Run's Mastema, He jets far far into the sky and comes back down with a drop kick. 

Notable OBD Victories:

Vs The Savior

Notable OBD Losses:



Double Teigu

Key: Base | Double Teigu