"...I have become a hellcat. I won’t lose!"

Name: Koneko Toujou, Shirone
Origin: High School DxD
Gender: Female
Classification: Devil, Nekomata, Member of the Occult Research Club, Member of DxD
Age: 15
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, senses, skilled martial artist, flight, senjutsu (able to detect Ki and amp her senses and stats), flight, immortality (type 1), shapeshifting, invisibility, teleportation, elemental manipulation, fire resistance, cold resistance, magic resistance, barrier creation (also serves as pseudo-BFR), mindfuck, mindfuck resistance, soulfuck, soulfuck resistance, energy projection | Super strength, speed, durability, senses, skilled martial artist, senjutsu flight, purification powers (effective at eliminating undead enemies like vampires and other evil beings), flight, immortality (type 1), shapeshifting, invisibility, teleportation, elemental manipulation, fire resistance, cold resistance, magic resistance, barrier creation (also serves as pseudo-BFR), mindfuck, mindfuck resistance, soulfuck, soulfuck resistance, energy projection
Weaknesses: Light based attacks | Can only remain in this state for a few minutes
Destructive Capacity: Large building level to likely town level | Island level (Although she doesn't seem to focus on destruction, shown to be capable of sealing evil beings of at least country level stats)
Range: Melee
Speed: Massively hypersonic reactions/close combat speed (mach 209.12) | Relativistic reactions
Durability: Town level | Island level+
Lifting Strength: Class K+
Striking Strength: Class TJ+ | At least Class PJ+
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: High
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Enhanced Strength and Defense: Koneko boasts a lot of physical strength and defense, a standard of the Rook. She can use this strength to lift heavy objects with ease and use them as projectiles. With her defense, enemy attacks have been known to bounce right off of her, including light-based weapons that would seriously wound or kill a regular Devil.

- Senjutsu and Youjutsu User: Being a Nekomata, Koneko is able to use Senjutsu and Youjutsu but she is still learning under her sister, Kuroka.

- Nekomata Mode: When Koneko uses her senjutsu, she grows a pair of white cat ears and a tail.

- Nekomata Mode Level 2: In this mode, Koneko uses her senjutsu to cover her body in Touki. This gives her explosive power for a temporary time and grants her a second tail.

- Shirone Mode: In this mode, Koneko can temporarily make herself grow older by gathering the natural ki from her surrounding and synchronising it with her Touki.

  • Kasha: Koneko can summon a big wheel that is covered in white flames that has the power of purification.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base/Nekomata-Mode level 2 | Shirone Mode

Shirone Mode
Shirone Mode


She is the mother of Shirayuki in the future.