Three Tail jinchuriki Yagura

Name: Yagura
Origin: Naruto
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Ninja, Jinchuriki (Demon Host), Fourth Mizukage, Edo Tensei Zombie
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, chakra manipulation, water element manipulation, can us coral based attacks, can transform into his Bijuu, Three Tail Isobu
Weaknesses: Nothing notable, said to have control over his Bijuu
Destructive Capacity: Large Building level in base, Multi city block level in higher tailed forms | Small country level via bijjudama
Range: Melee in base. Dozens of meters in higher tailed forms | Multiple Kilometers
Speed: Hypersonic+ via powerscalling
Durability: At least building level via powerscalling | Island level
Lifting Strength: Class 10+ | Class G+
Striking Strength: Class GJ | Class PJ
Stamina: High, thanks to his tailed beast
Standard Equipment: Standard ninja tools, staff
Intelligence: Skilled in combat
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Suiton: Mizukagami no Jutsu: Yagura creates a large, flat, circular pool of water in front of their opponent. Its surface acts like a mirror, perfectly reflecting the attacking targets and turns their attacks against them.

- Sangosho: In his V2 tailed state, Yagura strikes the opponent with a powerful blow, causing a large formation of coral to quickly grow from the point of contact, hindering their movement.

- Bijuu Bomb:A black, extremely heavy ball made from positive white chakra and negative black chakra is formed, and is shot from the Bijuu's mouth. The ball can be ingested first and regurgitated to fire a large energy blast, or shot in its ball form. The explosion created is large enough to destroy anywhere from multiple city blocks to a small mountain a few km across. Failure to correctly meet the ratio of 8:2 of white and black chakra causes the bomb to fail, (although no tailed beast shown has failed to correctly form it.)

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base | Bijuu Form